Early research on saccadic suppression focused mostly on the perisaccadic elevation of contrast thresholds (for a review, see
Binda & Morrone, 2018). The specific perisaccadic contrast suppression of low-spatial frequency stimuli and the absence of suppression for high spatial frequency and color stimuli has been interpreted as evidence that at the time of saccade execution, information processing in the M-pathway is transiently suspended (
Burr, Morrone, & Ross, 1994). The perisaccadic shutdown of neural processing at an early visual level would also explain why we do not perceive the motion that is produced on the retina whenever we perform a saccade, a phenomenon termed saccade omission (
Watson & Krekelberg, 2009). In this theory, contrast suppression and motion omission are consequences of the same active process. More recent results suggest that color stimuli are suppressed too, although not as strong as low spatial frequency information (
Braun, Schütz, & Gegenfurtner, 2017). The theory of active suppression has been challenged, however, by demonstrations of clear perisaccadic motion perception (
Castet & Masson, 2000). Using stimuli that could only be detected during saccade eye movements,
Castet and Masson (2000) showed that subjects were able to see external motion during saccade execution. As soon as the postsaccadic stimulation was available, motion perception vanished, indicating that backward masking might explain why in real-life viewing we do not see the motion that is produced by the saccade. In this passive theory of suppression, perisaccadic omission of motion is the consequence of backward masking by the postsaccadic image. By contrast, the theory of the stable world assumption does posit a suppression mechanism for the visual transient produced by the retinal displacement (
Takano et al., 2020). They argue that creating a simulated saccade condition is impossible without inducing the perception of a visual transient. The perisaccadic visual transient, in their view, is masked by the processing of the postsaccadic image. We argue for an additional role of motion processing in the suppression of displacements. In our displacement task, the background was shifted in the vertical direction for one frame. Detection of the displacement could be accomplished by comparing the pre and the postsaccadic image or by perception of the motion transient or by both. Because visual motion for perisaccadic motion is reduced (
Burr et al., 1982;
Shioiri & Cavanagh, 1989;
Ilg & Hoffmann, 1993), the perisaccadic suppression of displacement detection is to be affected by motion processing in addition to masking by the postsaccadic image.