The virtual environment was presented by an HTC Vive head-mounted display (HMD). The HMD had a horizontal field of view (FOV) of 110° (approximately 90° per eye) and vertical FOV of 110°, a total resolution of 2,160 × 1,200 (1,080 × 1,200 per eye) and a refresh rate of 60 Hz. The environment was rendered by NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphic card with OpenGL. Noise-cancelling earphones (Etymotic Research MC5) were used to eliminate possible auditory position cues.
The displays stimulated movement of the observer along a texture ground plane in direction that was either 15° or −15° relative to the center (or a random heading direction on filler trials, see Procedure). The forward speed of the observer was 1 m/s. The texture on the ground plane was a Voronoi pattern of gray tiles with varied brightness. The tiles were colored so that the texture had spatial frequency energy at multiple spatial scales, thereby providing strong visual motion signals in both near and far space. The moving object was a yellow dot with diameter of 0.06 m. The initial position of the moving object was 4 m in front of the observer and 0.9 m above the ground, with random horizontal position in the interval (−0.5 m, 0.5 m) around the path of the observer.
The horizontal velocity of the object relative to the environment was varied. The motion of the object was defined in terms of the difference between the object motion focus of expansion (FOE) and the background FOE. The set of possible object FOEs depended on the heading direction condition. In the 15° heading direction condition, the FOE of object motion differed by −6.25°, −5°, −3.75°, −2.5°, −1.25°, 0°, or 1.25° (i.e., object FOE varied from 8.75° to 16.25°). In −15° heading direction condition, the FOE of object motion differed by −1.25°, 0°, 1.25°, 2.5°, 3.75°, 5°, and 6.25° (i.e., object FOE varied from −16.25° to −8.75°). Informal pilot testing suggested that perception of object motion would be consistent with a heading biased toward the center, so the object movement perceived to be stationary would be within these two ranges.