We excluded six participants from analyses for
Experiment 2, due to either computer malfunction (
n = 2) or the participant responding randomly and failing our chi-square criterion (
n = 4). New data were collected to replace these participants before further analyses were performed. On average, participants required 10 frames (approximately 118 ms) to attain an 82% accuracy threshold as determined by the Quest algorithm (
SD = 5 frames or approximately 59 ms). Atypically oriented objects created via rotations in the picture plane did not show the same pattern of results as objects rotated in depth. A one-tailed within-participant
t-test on
d-prime indicated that typically oriented objects (
M = 2.86,
SD = 0.98) were not better discriminated than atypically oriented objects (
M = 2.77,
SD = 0.96),
t(19) = 0.71,
p = 0.245,
dz = 0.16;
Figure 5). Moreover, participant performance was not more accurate for typically oriented objects (
M = 0.86,
SD = 0.11) than atypically oriented objects (
M = 0.83,
SD = 0.13),
t(19) = 1.80 (two-tailed),
p = 0.087,
dz = 0.40. Interestingly though, response times were faster for typically oriented objects (
M = 587 ms,
SD = 110 ms) than atypically oriented objects (
M = 599 ms,
SD = 111 ms),
t(19) = −25 (two-tailed),
p = 0.037,
dz = −0.50 (
Figure 6), suggesting that the rotation in the picture plane did have some detrimental effect on performance. As in
Experiment 1, typically oriented objects (
M = 6.13,
SD = 1.38) were rated as more highly typical viewpoints than atypically oriented objects (
M = 2.37,
SD = 1.18), significant in both parametric (
t(19) = 7.19 (two-tailed),
p < 0.001,
dz = 1.61) and nonparametric (Wilcoxon signed rank test:
Z = 4.13,
p < 0.001) tests, again validating our classification of the viewpoints as more or less typical.