Recognition depends on matching a perceptual representation of a stimulus to its representation in memory. Nevertheless, the representation in memory differs from the perceptual representation in several ways. The representation in memory is more abstract to enable generalization across different appearances of familiar categories. Secondly, the representation in memory is not purely perceptual but is associated with conceptual information. Thus, in the current study we asked how similar are the representations of the same stimuli in perception and memory? To examine the perceptual representations, the visual similarity of face images was rated by participants who were familiar or unfamiliar with the identities. To examine the visual representation in memory participants were presented with names of the same familiar faces and rated their visual similarity. To examine the contribution of conceptual information, the same identities were rated based on their semantic similarity by participants who were familiar with them. Results show that semantic information contributed to the visual representation of faces in memory more than in perception, whereas visual information contributed to the visual representation in perception more than in memory. Furthermore, the representations of a deep neural network (DNN) that learns to classify faces based on their visual appearance (VGGface) were more correlated with human representations in perception than in memory, whereas the representations of a multi-modal DNN that learns the association between text and images (CLIP) were more correlated with human representations in memory than in perception. Interestingly, human visual representations in perception, but not in memory, are better predicted by both types of DNNs than either of them alone. We conclude that conceptual and perceptual information contribute differently to the representations of categories in perception and memory. This may account for the different types of errors that are typically committed in perception and memory tasks.