Serial dependence curves (see
Figure 3) were computed by recording the target error on the current trial and the relative difference in orientation between the target and the penultimate stimulus from the sequence on the same trial. Note that here we are not looking at serial dependencies across trials but rather between the target and most-recently viewed stimulus prior to the target. These data were then smoothed using a 25 degree-wide (
Samaha et al., 2019) moving average filter that moved in steps of 1 degree. When mean target error is plotted as a function of the relative difference between the target and penultimate stimulus in the sequence, attractive serial dependence manifests as a CCW (or negative) mean error when the penultimate stimulus was CCW with respect to the target and a CW mean error when the penultimate stimulus was also CW with respect to the target (see
Figure 3). Note that only the random and unexpected conditions had target stimuli which varied randomly across the full range of possible orientations relative to the penultimate stimulus. In the expected condition, the target was always +30 or 30 degrees away from the penultimate stimulus, depending on the rotation direction (CW or CCW, respectively) of the sequence. As a result, there are only two data points in the expected condition, rather than a full curve (see
Figure 3B).
We used a bootstrap approach to quantify serial dependence in random, expected, and unexpected conditions. For the random condition, data were well fit by a derivative of Gaussian (DoG) function as has been widely used in most serial dependence research (
Bliss et al., 2017;
Fischer & Whitney, 2014;
Gallagher & Benton, 2022;
Samaha et al., 2019;
Suárez-Pinilla et al., 2018). The DoG has the form:
\begin{eqnarray*}y = xawc{e^{ - {{\left( {wx} \right)}^2}}}\end{eqnarray*}
x is the orientation difference between the penultimate and target stimulus,
a is the amplitude of the curve peaks,
w is the width of the curve, and
c is the constant
\(\frac{{\sqrt 2 }}{{{e^{ - 0.5}}}}\) which scales the amplitude parameter of interest to numerically match the height of the curve in degrees. Following others (
Bliss et al., 2017;
Fritsche, Mostert, & de Lange, 2017;
Samaha et al., 2019), we fit the DoG to group-averaged data using a random subsample (with replacement) of observers on each of 20,000 bootstrap permutations. For each permutation, the amplitude parameter of the fit was saved, generating a distribution of amplitude parameters which was converted to a
p value by dividing the number of bootstrap samples below zero by the number of permutations (20,000) and multiplying by two (two-tailed, nonparametric test of the amplitude parameter against zero). If no bootstrap samples fell below zero, the
p value was set to (1/20000)*2.
This same general approach was used to test for serial dependence in the expected condition except on each bootstrap permutation the difference in mean (signed) error between CW and CCW rotation directions was saved. For the unexpected condition, data did not clearly follow a DoG function, but had bi-phasic attractive and repulsive peaks (see
Figure 3C). Thus, we fit a sine wave to the data, with the amplitude parameter capturing serial effects. The sine function had the form:
\begin{eqnarray*}y = asin\left( {bx + c} \right)\end{eqnarray*}
x is the orientation difference between the penultimate and target stimulus,
a is the amplitude of the sine wave,
b is the frequency of the wave, and
c is the phase. We statistically tested the amplitude parameter against zero by dividing the number of bootstrap samples below zero by the number of permutations (20,000) and multiplying by two. As before, if no bootstrap samples fell below zero, the
p value was set to (1/20000)*2. Last, because serial dependence has been shown to extend backward in time beyond just the most recent stimulus (
Fischer & Whitney, 2014), we re-ran the bootstrap analysis described above but with serial dependence computed relative to the circular average of the entire preceding sequence of gratings, rather than relative to just the penultimate orientation.