We next sought whether invariance of color categories and focal colors could be explained by the physical properties of color chips.
Philipona and O'Regan (2006) suggested that color categories are more invariant for surfaces whose associated cone signals are stable across illuminant changes (the concept termed “sensory singularity”). Similarly, chroma and saturation were suggested to affect i) the consistency of color naming because physical reflected light changes less for highly saturated colors and ii) the choice of focal colors as saturated colors have high perceptual saliency (
Reeves & Amano, 2020;
Witzel, 2018). To test these metrics, we first computed the singularity index (using a MATLAB source code provided by
Witzel, Cinotti, & O'Regan, 2015), chroma (
ab defined as the Euclidean distance from the white point in
b* color space) and saturation (
ab /
L*) for all 424 color chips. Then, we computed the correlation coefficient between each metric and the consistency map in
Figure 8. We found no significant correlation with the singularity index, r = −0.0097,
p = 0.842, close to the value reported in
Olkkonen et al. (2009), and chroma, r = 0.0856,
p = 0.0783. However, there was a weak but significant correlation with saturation, r = 0.231,
p =1.54 × 10
−6. Thus, these invariant color regions could be at least partially explained by the saturation of the color chips. Furthermore, we analyzed whether observers tended to choose a color chip that has a particularly high metric value as a focal color. Using responses in 6,500K whole-illuminant condition, we classified each of 424 color chips into a single color category based on the mode color category across 12 responses (2 repetitions × 6 observers).
Figure 10 shows a histogram of each metric for chromatic categories. The magenta line and pink shaded area show mean ± 1.0 standard deviation computed over color chips that were selected as a focal color at least once in 6,500K whole-illuminant condition. Looking across all subpanels, we notice that focal colors in some categories such as red, yellow, or blue align closely with the right edge of the histogram, suggesting that the observers’ selection of focal colors was potentially guided by these metrics. However, for other categories such as green, orange, purple, and pink, this observation does not hold. To sum, these metrics based on low-level photoreceptor signals (singularity index) or perceptual metrics (chroma and saturation) do not completely explain the stability of focal colors and additional factors are likely to play a role, but they are candidate reasons for why focal colors are stable.