Figure 3 presents, for the rightward S20, S15, and S5 initial offsets and R10, R20, and R30 trajectory radii, the associated evolutions of θ, dθ/dt and d
2 over the first 2.5 seconds of a trial, as obtained by numerical simulation for a nonsteering participant (i.e., a participant that continues to move straight ahead from the onset of a trial onward). Inclusion of the S20/R20-IN target trajectory, also used in
Van Opstal et al. (2022) study, allowed using this condition as a reference. We recall that in this reference condition the first steering event was found to occur predominantly between 0.5 and 1.0 seconds after target appearance, with only few initiations before 0.5 seconds (see
Supplementary Figure S1 for details). As can be seen from
Figure 3, the S20/R20-IN trajectory (top row, middle panel) gives rise to initially relatively small negative dθ/dt (and d
2) magnitudes. All three S5-OUT trajectories, in contrast, give rise to comparatively large positive initial values of dθ/dt (as well as positive initial values of d
2), leading us to predict that these latter trajectories should be characterized by an early (i.e., predominantly within 0.5 seconds after target appearance) rightward-directed first steering action. By the same token, all three S5-IN trajectories give rise to comparatively large negative initial values of dθ/dt (as well as negative initial d
2 values) and should therefore be characterized by an early (i.e., predominantly within 0.5 seconds after target appearance) leftward-directed first steering action. Compared with the S5-IN trajectories, both the S15/R20-IN and S15/R30-IN as well as the S20/R20-IN and S20/R30-IN trajectories are characterized by initially smaller but gradually increasing negative dθ/dt values (accompanied by negative d
2 values), leading us to predict that for these trajectories initiation of the first steering action should be somewhat later (i.e., predominantly occur between 0.5 and 1.0 seconds) and leftward directed. Finally, the S15/R10-IN and S20/R10-IN trajectories are both characterized by small negative initial dθ/dt (and d
2) values, leading us to predict that instances of an early initiation of a first steering action should be rare. Moreover, as the magnitude of dθ/dt decreases over time, switching from negative to positive at approximately 1.30 seconds for S20/R10-IN and at approximately 1.45 seconds for S15/R10-IN, and d
2 rapidly becomes positive at approximately 0.55 seconds for both these trajectories, we predicted that the first steering action should tend to occur even later, between 1.0 and 1.5 seconds after target appearance for these two specific trajectories, with steering now rightward directed. This effect should moreover be somewhat more prominent for the S20/R10-IN trajectory. We stress that the predictions of belated (between 1.0 and 1.5 seconds after target appearance) first steering events for the S20/R10-IN and S15/R10-IN conditions are based on the coexistence of an initially weak and subsequently further decreasing dθ/dt-based drive and a coming to the fore of a considerable d
2-based drive, resulting in a predominately late rightward-directed (rather than an earlier leftward-directed) first steering action.