All participants were given two white letter-sized sheets of paper to make line drawings and color drawings in designated boxes. There were six boxes per sheet and each box was labeled with an emotion (anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, or wonder) and drawing type (color drawing or line drawing) that should be drawn in that box. Below each emotion label, participants were also asked to briefly specify their reasons for using certain lines or colors in their drawings. The written responses are not analyzed here.
Participants were given pencils (2B, 4B, and 6B) to create the line drawings and a pastel color set to create the color drawings. The pastel sets were Pentel Oil Pastel sets consisting of 16 colors, listed here using the conventional name, the closest Munsell color chip notation, and the corresponding approximate red, green, and blue (RGB) values: red (5R 5/18; [255, 0, 0]), orange (2.5YR 6/14; [255, 140, 0]), dark yellow (2.5Y 8/12; [255, 200, 0]), yellow (7.5Y 9/12; [255, 255, 0]), light green (7.5GY 9/14; [150, 255, 0]), green (2.5G 6/10; [0, 200, 65]), cyan/light blue (7.5B 9/8; [80, 230, 255]), blue (5PB 6/14; [0, 155, 255]), dark blue (7.5PB 5/20; [50, 125, 255]), pink (2.5RP 9/6; [255, 200, 230]), beige (5Y 9/2; [250, 240, 200]), light brown (2.5YR 5/15; [200, 70, 0]), dark brown (7.5YR 3/6; [100, 60, 10]), gray (5GY 9/1; [228, 228, 228]), black (5N 1/0; [0, 0, 0]), and white (5N 10/0; [255, 255, 255]). Note that we did not use a chromameter to measure the pastel colors; therefore, both the Munsell color chips and RGB values are the closest approximations of the colors used by participants.