The model can be used to investigate the effect of eccentricity on spatial summation. Our results show that Ricco's area significantly increased with eccentricity, as expected (
Choi, Nivison-Smith, Khuu, & Kalloniatis, 2016;
Khuu & Kalloniatis, 2015;
Khuu & Kalloniatis, 2015). However, this did not correspond to a constant number of P-OFF-RGCs being stimulated, with this number being comparably larger at smaller eccentricity. This is mirrored by the identical trend for the integration constant τ, indicating that more P-OFF-RGCs need to be stimulated to achieve the same change in sensitivity closer to the fovea. This trend is even bigger when modeling the response from the mOFF-RGC mosaic (
supplementary material). Our results agree with
Kwon and Liu (2019), who also observed a notable departure from a constant number of mOFF-RGCs at Ricco's area and a trend with eccentricity. However, they concluded that this was likely a result of inaccuracies in the estimates of RGC density. We propose a different explanation: The trend in the number of RGCs, and in the integration constant, appeared to be completely eliminated by weighting the contribution of each RGC by the cone/OFF-RGC convergence ratio. This observation suggests that, much like the effect of change in stimulus duration, convergence can change the “contribution” provided by each RGC in terms of retinal input. Our model is able to account for this, because the contribution of each RGC can be weighted by its convergence rate prior to summation in
Equation 4. Our experiments would not allow us to uncover a specific mechanism for this phenomenon. However, a reasonable hypothesis is that increased convergence could change the contrast gain determining the spiking rate of the RGC for a given level of contrast. For our main analysis, we considered one possible class of RGCs, P-OFF-RGCs. This is important for our assumption of hexagonal tiling, because different classes of RGCs form independent and overlapping mosaics (
Dacey, 1993;
Dacey & Petersen, 1992). mOFF-RGCs were also modeled (
supplementary material) for comparison with
Kwon and Liu (2019). Their choice was justified by the fact that these are the most prevalent type of RGCs in humans (
Dacey, 1993;
Drasdo, Millican, Katholi, & Curcio, 2007). However, previous literature showed that briefly flashed stimuli, such as those used in perimetry, might preferentially stimulate parasol RGCs (
Swanson, Sun, Lee, & Cao, 2011), and this was the reason for our choice to model P-OFF-RGCs instead. It should be noted that the effect of eccentricity, and the importance of cone/RGC convergence, was much more pronounced for mOFF-RGCs. However, accounting for convergence eliminated significant differences in the number of stimulated RGCs at Ricco's area and in the integration constant between the smallest and the largest eccentricity for both modeling choices. Interestingly, when weighted by convergence, the results were effectively identical to those obtained with the P-OFF-RGC mosaic, because the higher convergence ratio for the mOFF mosaic effectively produced the same scaled input. It should be noted that there is no clear anatomical evidence of increased cone/P-OFF-RGC convergence with eccentricity. However, this seems a reasonable assumption because the cone/RGC ratio calculated from histology data (
Curcio & Allen, 1990;
Curcio, Sloan, Kalina, & Hendrickson, 1990) increases with eccentricity in a similar fashion for both the midget and parasol cells. The similarity between our results and those reported by
Kwon and Liu (2019) should be interpreted with caution, because it can be explained by the fact that both our estimates and theirs were derived from those provided by Drasdo et al. (
Drasdo, Millican, Katholi, & Curcio, 2007;
Montesano et al., 2020), which are in turn based on a small histology data set by
Curcio and Allen (1990). Despite our attempt to improve precision by customizing Drasdo's estimates using individualized structural OCT data (
Montesano et al., 2020), the results are unlikely to be greatly altered. Therefore,
Kwon and Liu's (2019) results cannot be considered a fully independent confirmation of our findings. Finally, it should be noted that the compensation of the effect of eccentricity with the convergence ratio might be coincidental and could be explained by other factors, such as optical aberrations. The effect of natural ocular optics on spatial summation in the parafoveal retina is debated (
Dalimier & Dainty, 2010;
Davila & Geisler, 1991;
Tuten, Cooper, & Tiruveedhula, 2018). In our model, we included the effect of optical aberrations and glare using the average MTF for the human eye proposed by
Watson (2013): The data were fitted accounting for optical factors, but the summation curves were generated without the effect of optics. This was an attempt at estimating the pure neural contribution to spatial summation. However, the effect on the results largely depends on other assumptions within the model, particularly the choice of whether the summation in
Equation 5 is taken over the signed or absolute value or the RGC response. Our choice of summing the signed contribution was based on some desirable properties of the model, particularly the perfect linear scaling of the response with the change in RGC density and filter size. This produced a very small effect from ocular optics, because the total power of the stimulus was simply spread over a larger area. Taking the summation over the absolute value instead produced a much greater effect (results reported in
supplementary material) because negative contributions from “inhibited” RGCs were transformed into positive contributions, greatly amplifying the effect of optical blur. Our choice of modeling produced an average change in Ricco's area due to optical factors of 0.056 log
10 units, which is very similar to the change measured by Tuten et al. (
Tuten, Cooper, & Tiruveedhula, 2018) with adaptive optics (AO). Taking the summation over the absolute value instead produced an average change of 0.37 log
10 units, which is closer to what was reported by
Dalimier and Dainty (2010) for similar experiments. Ultimately, a definitive answer to these questions could only be obtained by performing these same experiments with coupled AO-corrected stimuli and imaging, so that accurate estimates of individual RGCs can be obtained and the effect of optical aberrations eliminated (
Liu et al., 2017).