In all conditions, distance estimates are well described by the leaky integration model. A one-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test (
W = 300,
p < 0.001; Shapiro-Wilk normality test indicated that the distribution of α departed significantly from normality:
W = 0.90,
p < 0.001) across walker conditions confirmed that α was significantly larger than zero, and our fit is, thus, nonlinear. This finding corroborates the observation that participants disproportionally misjudged their traveled distance with ongoing self-motion. Fitting α and
k over all participants, we obtained a small leakage rate of α = 0.103 (
SD = 0.089) and a gain factor slightly above 1 (
k = 1.117,
SD = 0.224), again consistent with previous studies of optic flow-based distance estimation (
Bossard et al., 2016;
Bossard & Mestre, 2018;
Clément et al., 2020;
Lappe et al., 2007;
Lappe et al., 2011;
Stangl et al., 2020).
To analyze differences in travel distance estimation in the different conditions, we fitted each condition to a leaky integrator model and determined the fit parameters gain (
k) and leak rate (α). A positive value for the leak rate leads to an underestimation of travel distance for long distances even if the gain is perfect. Thus, both parameters can potentially contribute to the distance underestimation and a comparison between the conditions might show some differences in the use of optic flow and biological motion as visual signals.
Figure 3 depicts the average values for
k and α per condition.
The model fits indicated that the gain k was larger than 1 in all conditions (static: M = 1.18, SD = 0.41; approaching: M = 1.47, SD = 0.80; leading: M = 1.17, SD = 0.50). This suggests that the transformation from visual motion to travel distance slightly overestimates travel distance. The leakage rate α was larger than zero in all conditions (M = 0.12, SD = 0.07; approaching: M = 0.20, SD = 0.14; leading: M = 0.14, SD = 0.07), indicating that the overall underestimation of travel distance is due to the leak.
To assess whether walker conditions affect the magnitude of model parameters, we calculated ANOVAs separately for k and α. The results for the gain parameter confirmed the statistical significance of the main effect walker condition, F(2) = 4.68, p = 0.014, \(\eta _p^2\) = 0.17, 95% CI, 0.02–1.00. Note the effect size is large. The same pattern emerges for α. The main effect of the condition on α reached significance with a large effect size, F(2) = 5.88, p = 0.005, \(\eta _p^2\) = 0.20, 95% CI, 0.04–1.00. In other words, the translation from physical to perceived distance (k) and the decay (α) leading to underestimation depends on the walker condition. Post hoc analyses showed that the gain k was largest in the approaching condition and significantly different from the static (p = 0.034, Mdiff = 0.287) and leading (p = 0.025, Mdiff = 0.299) conditions. Leading and static conditions did not show a statistically significant difference (p = 0.993, Mdiff = 0.013). The large value for k in the approaching condition might indicate that in this condition the excessive optic flow from the walker is not completely compensated by the biological motion analysis. The leak rate α was significantly higher in the approaching compared to the static condition (p = 0.005, Mdiff = 0.080). Neither the differences between approaching and leading (p = 0.059, Mdiff = 0.056) nor leading and static crowds (p = 0.590, Mdiff = 0.023) reached significance. The combination of a large k with a simultaneously increased α produces underestimation in the approaching condition even though the gain in this condition is the largest.