Given that fixations were biased toward objects on the open side, we would also expect located targets, and hence reaches, to be biased toward the open side and away from the obstructed side. Indeed, a linear regression analysis indicated that the proportion of reaches to open side targets was strongly predicted by the proportion of open side fixations (F(1, 11) = 123.2, P < 0.001, R2 = 0.93).
We found that participants reached toward the obstructed side in 15.4% of far obstacle trials (SE = 1.6%, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 12.3% to 18.5%) and 23.1% of close obstacle trials (SE = 3.0%, 95% CI = 17.3% to 28.9%). As might be expected, the proportion of reaches to the obstructed side was smaller for far obstacle trials, in which the proportion of objects (and therefore the average proportion of targets) on the obstructed side was 22.2%, than for near obstacle trials, in which the proportion of objects was 41.6%. Note that in only 0.1% and 2.3% of all far and near obstacle trials, respectively, were all four targets on the obstructed side, requiring the participant to search on the obstructed side. Thus, although participants were biased to targets on the open side (as noted above), they nevertheless located, and then moved to, targets on the obstructed side far more often than was strictly necessary. In 90% of close obstacle trials and in 65% of far obstacle trials, at least one target was located on the obstructed side. (Thus, no targets were on the obstructed side in 10% of close obstacle trials and 35% of far obstacle trials.) Therefore, if a participant opted to search on the obstructed side in a given trial, there was still a reasonably high probability that they would find a target on that side. In other words, the bias we observed was not dictated by the task.
Given the bias to search on the open side, the question arises as to whether participants tended to first search on the open side in trials in which they both remembered the location of the obstacle and reached to a target on the obstructed side. To examine this question, we categorized trials in which the reach target was on the obstructed side as either “remembered” trials—in which the participant either reached around the obstacle, without hitting it, or attempted to reach around the obstacle. Guided by the data shown
Figure 2A, we operationally defined remembered and forgotten trials as those in which the participant reached toward the obstructed side with an absolute reach deviation angle >40 degrees and ≤40 degrees, respectively. We defined “control” trials as those in which participants reached to matched targets on the open side (as defined above) with an absolute reach deviation angle ≤40 degrees (which included the large majority of trials with matched reach targets). We found that the average number of fixations in remembered trials (M = 10.26 and SE = 1.23) was nearly twice as great as in control trials (M = 5.48 and SE = 0.22), and was also greater than in forgotten trials (M = 7.14 and SE = 0.58). Note that all pairwise comparisons had large effects sizes (Cohen's d > 1.016 in all 3 cases). The slightly larger number of fixations in forgotten trials compared to control trials may be due to misclassification of a few forgotten trials as remembered trials. Motivated by these results, we determined, for remembered trials, the average number of fixations on the open side that preceded the first fixation on the occluded size. We found that, on average, participants made 6.84 (SE = 1.12) initial open side fixations, which is greater than the average number of fixations per trial across all trials. This result is consistent with our finding that search is biased toward targets on the open side.