For calibration, two sets of data were collected for each headset. The first set involved measuring luminance and chromaticities of ten linearly spaced points in the R = RGB(x, 0, 0), G = RGB(0, x, 0), and B = RGB(0, 0, x) channels as well as a combined channel (x, x, x) where xϵ{0, 1}. The latter set involved measuring spectral distributions (Sp), chromaticities (x, y), and luminance (Y) from red, green and blue primaries alongside the white point.
Using the first set of measurements we modeled the gamma correction, relation between input RGB to the emissive property of the shaders in Unreal Engine and the output luminance Y. These relations were established for three different scenarios:
With the second set of measurements we verified the established relation between the input RGB and the chromaticity of the output (x, y).