Note that as the object B moves from a square to increasingly rectangular shapes, the area is not adjusted to remain the same—so, the correct answer would be for B to be judged as larger. However, if the change in shape is not discernable (i.e., at small elongation ratios), individuals might make mistakes. Thus, in general, we should expect performance to improve as elongation ratios increase. However, recall also that our hypothesis suggests that, as the shape of an object moves from a square to a rectangle of the same area, there will be a greater sensitivity on the height dimension (which is easy to compare because the two quadrilaterals are placed side by side). This suggests that participants’ response accuracy should improve more rapidly with increases in the height, in comparison with increases in the width, dimension. This should reveal itself as an interaction between elongation ratio and orientation. Also note that accuracy has a ceiling—in other words, once a JND is exceeded, accuracy should reach its maximum and level off, suggesting that we should test for quadratic terms to capture these curvilinear effects. Consistent with our prediction, the interaction between orientation and the square of the elongation ratio (ER2) was significant, β2 = 326.43, Z(1, 205) = 5.26, p < 0.0001, for the probability of correct area judgments. To illustrate the interaction, we sorted the data by orientation and analyzed each orientation using a repeated measures approach with a logistic link regression function to accommodate the repeated-measures design and categorical nature of the dependent variable (error: 0 = incorrect, 1 = correct). We ran both linear and quadratic models to investigate which type of variable—ER or ER2—explains the error rates more parsimoniously.