The time scales of activation, τ
u = 15 ms and τ
v = 4 ms, are aligned with the time scale of neural membrane dynamics, which are on the order of 10 ms (
Gerstner et al., 2014). Inhibition, τ
v, must be faster than excitation, τ
u, to avoid oscillations. The time scale of the memory trace, τ
m = 150 ms, must be larger than the times scales of activation to fulfill its dynamic role as activation memory. It must be small enough for a single stimulus presentation to leave a trace (Experiments 2 and 3). We chose τ
m = 150 ms, one order of magnitude larger than τ
u. The time scale of memory decays was chosen large enough to have no effect during a single presentation period, effectively neglecting decay. The time scale of adaptation, τ
a, must be large enough for its effect to extend through the stimulus series of the hysteresis paradigm, on the time scale of seconds. We chose τ
a = 1000 ms. The time scale of noise, τ
n, was constrained by Experiment 4. The low switching rate observed there together with approximately equal initial probability of visibility and non-visibility suggests temporal correlations of activation fluctuations that extend throughout the duration of a trial, on the time scale of seconds. We chose τ
n = 8000 ms, although the precise values did not matter.