Observation of the morphology of the time course and distribution of the inbound (
Figure 3A) and outbound (
Figure 3B) ERPs show clear visual evoked potentials with peak amplitudes over the first 600 ms that are many times larger than the pre-stimulus baseline activity (See
Appendix A and B for illustration of ERPs for all 32 channels). Early P1 evoked responses tended to differ between inbound and outbound trajectories with a more central occipital positivity around 100 ms for inbound and a more bilateral occipital positivity for outbound. At around 120 to 150 ms, the outbound responses contained a pronounced frontal positivity that was not present for inbound stimuli. At latencies after 150 ms, the inbound and outbound conditions elicited more similar distributions with posterior lateral negative and later central positive responses similar to N2 and P3 components reported in other studies (
Nakamoto & Mori, 2012). Subsequent analyses focused on the effects of speed, direction, and channel on these components.
Three (channels O1, Oz, and O2) by three (speed) by two (direction) ANOVA performed on the mean amplitude of the P1 component revealed a significant direction by channel interaction,
F(1.69, 35.58) = 4.06,
p = 0.03,
η2p = 0.16. As shown by the differing occipital distribution of scalp topographies at 100 ms (see dotted boxes) and quantified by the mean amplitudes in
Figure 4A, this interaction was driven by a relatively more lateral distribution for the outbound condition and a more medial distribution for the inbound condition. No other main effects or interactions were significant.
Two (channel P7 and P8) by three (speed) by two (direction) ANOVA on the mean N2 amplitude revealed a significant effect of channel,
F(1, 21) = 5.5,
p = 0.03,
η2p = 0.21. This difference was driven by larger amplitude N2 responses in left (P7) versus the right (P8) channels, as illustrated in
Figure 4B.
Finally, three (speed) by two (direction) ANOVA performed on the mean amplitude of the P3 at channel Cz revealed a significant main effect of speed,
F(1.41, 29.43) = 113.02,
p < 0.001,
η2p = .84, a significant main effect of direction,
F(1, 21) = 18.24,
p < 0.001,
η2p = .47, and a significant speed by direction interaction,
F(1.71, 35.85) = 4.70,
p = 0.02,
η2p = 0.18. As illustrated in
Figure 4C, these effects are driven by higher amplitudes at faster speeds, greater amplitude for outbound stimuli, and an interaction between speed and direction in which greater amplitudes are observed at higher speeds for outbound stimuli. Additional analyses correlating the mean amplitude of the P1, N2 and P3 components, averaged over channels, and the constant error, averaged across speeds, were not significant for either inbound or outbound directions. A two-tailed, unpaired
t-statistic was derived and tested for significance for all six correlations. None were less than 0.4.