The events that occupy our thoughts in an especially persistent way are often those that are *unfinished* — half-written papers, unfolded laundry, and items not yet crossed off from to-do lists. And this factor has also been emphasized in work within higher-level cognition, as in the “Zeigarnik effect”: when people carry out various tasks, but some are never finished due to extrinsic interruptions, memory tends to be better for those tasks that were unfinished. But just how foundational is this sort of “unfinishedness” in mental life? Might such unfinishedness be spontaneously extracted and prioritized even in lower-level visual processing? To explore this, we had observers watch animations in which a dot moved through a maze, starting at one disc (the ‘startpoint’) and moving toward another disc (the ‘endpoint’). We tested the fidelity of visual memory by having probes (colored squares) appear briefly along the dot’s path; after the dot finished moving, observers simply had to indicate where the probes had appeared. On ‘Completed’ trials, the motion ended when the dot reached the endpoint, but on ‘Unfinished’ trials, the motion ended shortly *before* the dot reached the endpoint. Although this manipulation was entirely task-irrelevant, it nevertheless had a powerful influence on visual memory: observers placed probes much closer to their correct locations on Unfinished trials. This same pattern held across several different experiments, even while carefully controlling for various lower-level properties of the displays (such as the speed and duration of the dot’s motion). And the effect also generalized across different types of displays (e.g. also replicating when the moving dot left a visible trace). This new type of *Visual Zeigarnik Effect* suggests that the unfinishedness of events is not just a matter of higher-level thought and motivation, but can also be extracted as a part of visual perception itself.