Biological and machine vision needs to be statistically and computationally efficient, enabling both robust and rapid perception from sensory evidence. The normative ideal, as embodied by the generative approach, interprets evidence optimally in the context of a statistical model of the world. This ideal is computationally expensive or even intractable for naturalistic and dynamic vision. The discriminative approach emphasizes rapid inference without the use of an explicit generative model. I will introduce generative and discriminative models as an explanatory framework characterizing visual inference at different levels of analysis. Models of primate vision can be understood as points in a vast space of possible inference models that contains classical algorithms like predictive coding, the feedforward cascade of filters in a convolutional neural network, along with more novel concepts from engineering such as amortized inference. I will clarify what kind of evidence is required to discern whether primate visual inference is generative. A key insight is that “more is different”: what seems viable as a visual inference algorithm for an abstracted toy task may not scale to naturalistic real-world vision. We should therefore scale our tasks to be more naturalistic and dynamic, exposing the brain’s unique combination of generative models and discriminative computations.