Two adult male marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus) were used in this study. To stabilize the head and track the eye position, a headpost was surgically implanted on each monkey. All surgical procedures were performed with the animal under general anesthesia in an aseptic environment in accordance with the recommendations in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). All experimental methods were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and conformed with NIH guidelines.
Marmosets were trained to freely enter a custom-made marmoset chair, which was then positioned 41 cm from a calibrated and gamma-corrected LCD monitor (ASUS VG248QE; 100 Hz refresh rate; 75 cd/m
2 background luminance). Eye position was measured with an IScan CCD infrared camera (500 Hz sampling rate). MonkeyLogic was used to calibrate and record eye position (1 kHz sampling rate), along with stimulus presentation and behavioral control (
Asaad & Eskandar, 2008;
Hwang et al., 2019).
Marmosets performed the DDST. After fixation was acquired and held for 250 ms within a fixation window (2.25 degrees of visual angle [dva] radius), a drifting Gabor stimulus appeared at a random location 12 dva from the fixation point (
Figure 2). The stimulus traveled up to 6 dva over 1,000 ms at a slight angle (12 degrees) to the fixation point. The direction of internal motion was always orthogonal and inward with respect to the fixation point. On trials with no external motion, the stimulus remained in a fixed location (70% of the path length). After 500 ms, the fixation point disappeared and the marmoset was allowed 500 ms to saccade to the stimulus. During the saccade period, the stimulus continued to travel along its path but was extinguished as soon as fixation was broken. To receive a reward, the eye position had to land in the saccade window (3.5 dva radius centered at the end of the stimulus path) within 100 ms after fixation was broken and remain within the window for 100 ms. These parameters ensured that (a) saccades were directed toward the stimulus without constraining the endpoints, (b) only one saccade was made to the stimulus, and (c) the saccade landed within the saccade window rather than passing through it. If these criteria were met, then a small reward (marshmallow fluff and water mixture [3 g fluff/1 ml water]) was given using a syringe pump.
The Gabor patch (80% Michelson contrast) consisted of a sinusoid carrier with a spatial frequency of 0.4 cycles/dva and a Gaussian envelope with a standard deviation of 0.5 dva. The mean luminance matched the background luminance. In two of the conditions, the external speed was fixed at 6 dva/s, while the internal motion speed was either 4 dva/s or 8 dva/s. In the third condition, the external speed was 0 dva/s and the internal speed was 8 dva/s. Since the patch was not moving across the screen, the location was fixed at a point where the marmosets would typically saccade to the moving patch (70% of the full path length). Only one condition was used during a recording session. For all conditions, on 50% of the trials, the internal speed was 0.1 dva/s (nonillusory). These trials, which do not result in an illusion in human observers, were used to control for any bias in each animal's saccade endpoints, independent of the illusion.
Eye data noise was reduced offline by using a moving average (20-ms window). To determine the eye position during the Wait period, we combined eye position data across trials (500 sample points for each trial). Instantaneous eye velocity was calculated using the difference in eye position between samples separated by 10 ms. The MATLAB functions risetime.m and falltime.m were used to identify the start and stop times of the saccades based on the eye velocity. We calculated the angle bias as the angle between the saccade endpoint and the stimulus path (
Figures 2C–E). In the static condition where the external speed was 0 dva/s, we used the path the stimulus was placed on, even though it did not travel along it. We assigned the sign (positive or negative) based on whether the saccade endpoint was on the side the internal motion was oriented toward (positive) or away from (negative). A positive angle thus indicates that the saccade endpoint is biased in the direction of the internal motion. To account for any bias due to the configuration of the stimuli or eye calibration offsets, we subtracted the median angle of the nonillusory control trials from the illusory trials for each condition. Saccade amplitudes were calculated as the distance between the center of fixation and the endpoint of the saccade.