The stimuli of each category included 14 exemplars. For each participant, four out of the 14 exemplars were randomly selected to be used in practice trials, and six out of the rest were randomly selected for the experiment session. The tool stimuli included brush, scoop, shovel, scraper, screwdriver, rake, toothbrush, wok, spatula, fork, clip, hammer, scissors, and knife. The animal stimuli included chicken, pig, rabbit, whale, alligator, hawk, bear, rhinoceros, ram, fox, elephant, dog, elk, and cow. The face stimuli included 14 neutral-emotion face images (AM10NEHR, AM21NEHR, AM34NEHR, BM12NEHR, BM16NEHR, BM23NEHR, BM28NEHR, AF06NEHR, AF08NEHR, AF18NEHR, AF24NEHR, AF25NEHR, AF34NEHR, and BF01NEHR) from the Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces (KDEF) gallery (
Lundqvist, Flykt, & Öhman, 1998;
Lundqvist & Litton, 1998). The letter stimuli included c, z, r, s, a, e, b, p, f, k, g, j, t, and h presented in Arial font. The stimuli of Chinese character included 云, 电, 耳, 鸟, 头, 白, 上, 小, 气, 书, 飞, 月, 少, and 升 (all in boldface). All participants could recognize the tools, animals, letters, and Chinese characters presented. They reported no difficulty in face recognition in everyday life despite their unfamiliarity with the Caucasian faces.