Starting at the beginning of the 20th century, Gestalt psychologists famously proposed that perceptual mechanisms organize, or disambiguate, the physical stimulus through segmentation, segregation, and grouping. The principles according to which the visual input is so constrained are called the
Laws of Seeing (
Metzger, 1936;
Metzger, 2006;
Todorović, 2008). These laws are inherent principles responsible for the way in which (a) scenes are segmented, (b) figures are segregated, and (c) elements are grouped, thereby becoming foreground and background. They are effective both in humans as well as species of animals (
Lorenz, 1951). This is best documented by camouflage, where the same Gestalt factors that are responsible for making an animal stand out in its environment are being used by nature to render it invisible (
Metzger, 2006). These factors are assumed to be largely innate. Metzger called them
Bedingungen der Möglichkeit für Erfahrung (prerequisites for enabling experience) in the Kantian sense, not just in vision but also in touch and other sense modalities (
Gallace & Spence, 2011).
From observations made in simple pencil drawings, Max
Wertheimer (1923), founder and protagonist of the Gestalt movement, identified the factors responsible for intrafigural and figure-ground perception, later expanded by
Metzger (1936). These factors are symmetry, good continuation, and closure for
segmentation (i.e., for organizing contiguous parts into a structured whole or
Gestalt) and proximity, similarity, and common fate for
grouping (i.e., for linking spatially separated parts into a coherently grouped perceptual pattern). Common to these principles is the claim that
the whole is different from, or superordinate to,
the sum of its parts and that the whole follows the law of
good Gestalt or
Prägnanz (i.e., exhibiting simplicity, regularity, and inner balance). Strong long-range correlations in the distribution of oriented edges or line segments have been demonstrated in natural scenes (
Sigman, Cecchi, Gilbert, & Magnasco, 2001), suggesting a preponderance for
smooth continuation and
collinearity. Local image features such as lines, edges, and corners are represented by the response properties of simple and complex cells in visual areas V1 and V2 of the cat and monkey (
Hubel & Wiesel, 1959;
Hubel & Wiesel, 1968), before they are integrated into object properties in the inferior temporal cortex (
Desimone, Albright, Gross, & Bruce, 1984).
There have been many studies demonstrating that visual perception can be
described by Gestalt principles, but a concerted effort to find neurophysiological correlates of such principles to
explain perception in causal terms is lacking. This is astonishing as
Wertheimer (1912, p. 247;
2012, p. 57), in his pioneering article on apparent motion, already suggested that this percept could be interpreted “by physiological transverse processes [
Querfunktionen] of a special kind that serve as the physiological correlate of the φ-phenomena.” His interpretation of apparent motion as an
emergent property that cannot be reduced to the sequential presentation of two static stimuli started Gestalt psychology.
Wertheimer (1923) called this “
Ganzbestimmtheit der Teile” (determination of the
parts by the
In a noteworthy article,
Westheimer (1999) writes, “Is there a better example of Wertheimer's vision of a whole determining the behavior of its constituent parts than an experimental verification of the fact that what a visual cortical neuron responds to best depends more on the properties of the overall configuration in the visual field than on the parameters of the stimulus in its receptive field” (p. 11).
Surveys of the literature (
Spillmann, 1997;
Spillmann, 1999;
Spillmann, 2006;
Spillmann, 2009;
Spillmann, 2012) show that there are neuronal correlates for many of the striking phenomena described by the Gestaltists, often characterized by
emergent properties and a corresponding neuronal response pattern. They also show that today's leading visual neuroscientists and neurocomputational theorists are increasingly using Gestalt terms to assign visual phenomena to neuronal mechanisms (e.g.,
von der Heydt, 1984;
Allman, Miezin, & McGuinness, 1985;
Grossberg & Mingolla, 1985;
Singer, 1989;
Lamme, 1995;
Li, 1998;
Roelfsema & Singer, 1998;
Albright & Stoner, 2002;
Kourtzi, Tolias, Altmann, Augath, & Logothetis, 2003;
Li, Piëch, & Gilbert, 2006;
Li, Piëch, & Gilbert, 2008;
Pan et al., 2016) This article uses select examples from the fields of motion and contour perception to raise awareness for neurophysiological correlations of phenomenological observations (
Spillmann, 2009).