These models can be formally represented as various individual cases of the following equation (which is
Equation 4b with an additional term, covariation between the sum of individual evidence and ensemble summary statistics):
d{{^{\prime}}_{total}} = \frac{{n \cdot d{{^{\prime}}_{one}} + d{{^{\prime}}_{ensemble}} \cdot {{\sigma }_{ensemble}}}}{{\sqrt {n + \sigma _{ensemble}^2 + 2cov\left( {{{S}_{optsum}},{{S}_{ensemble}}} \right)} }},\quad
Sensemble) is covariation between random variables
Soptsum and
Sensemble respectively sampled from the distributions of the optimally summed evidence for individual changes,
Soptsum ∼
N(µ =
n × d′one, σ = √
n) and evidence for ensemble summary change,
Sensemble ∼
N(µ =
d′ensemble × σ
ensemble, σ = σ
ensemble). Model 1 (only optimal summation) is a case of this general model where
d′ensemble = 0 and σ
ensemble = 0 and, hence,
Sensemble) = 0. Model 2 (optimal summation with ensemble memory and double sampling) assumes non-zero
d′ensemble and σ
ensemble but
Sensemble) = 0, because
Soptsum and
Sensemble are sampled independently. Model 3 (optimal summation with ensemble memory and single sampling) is the same as Model 2 but the covariation term is simply the product of the standard deviations of the two distributions,
Sensemble) = √
n × σ
ensemble. In Model 4 (optimal summation with ensemble memory, single sampling and independent memory noise), 0 <
Sensemble) < √
n × σ
ensemble and the noise of the individual item's evidence for changed is decomposed into two components: One component, σ
sampling, related to the error in feature sampling from presented items and another component, σ
memory, related to the error accumulated during memory retention, such that √[σ
2sampling + σ
2memory] = 1. Because sampling error is perfectly correlated for evidence summation and ensemble summary computation and memory errors are independent, the proportion between σ
2sampling and σ
2memory determines the magnitude of the
Sensemble). Finally, Model 5 is the same as Model 4, but the σ
ensemble is explicitly allowed to vary in a range far exceeding 1 (the noise associated with sampling and remembering individual items) because of the additional integration error.