In this work, the prediction with the 25log
M) metric is poorer than with the 50/3log
VSOTF| metric, both in terms of coefficient of determination (
r2 = 0.64 vs
r2 = 0.92) and parameters of the linear fit that differ from the
y =
x perfect agreement (α = 0.76 and β = −2.69 letters vs. α = 0.91 and β = 0.38 letters in
Table 1). We hypothesize that the better prediction with the 50/3log
VSOTF| metric originates from a more suitable model of a theoretical observer. As also shown in
Table 1, the model of a real observer (
L) better agrees with measurements than the ideal observer (
L*). We recall that the real observer essentially projects visual images on a set of unaberrated letters, while the ideal observer uses aberrated letters as templates. Using aberrated images is an optimal strategy because they properly represent the observed visual images. Indeed, the ideal observer sets the upper bound of visual acuity for given experimental conditions (aberration, noise level, letter contrast). The model of the ideal observer predicts the optimal visual acuity, both with and without aberrations. Counterintuitively, this model can predict higher acuity loss with optical aberrations than the real observer. It is so in 40% of the aberration conditions analyzed in
Figure 3. Similarity, the −25log
M) metric, which is based on the model of an ideal observer, can predict more letters lost than the −50/3log
VSOTF| metric.
Watson and Ahumada (2008) used Monte Carlo simulations of acuity testing to compare the data agreement of two correlation-maximizing observers: the observer that uses unaberrated letters as a set of templates (XL observer in their Table 2) and the observer that uses aberrated letters (XA in their Table 2). They obtained a better prediction of absolute visual acuity (lower root mean square error) with aberrated templates when the noise level of the model maximized data agreement, but their results also show that unaberrated templates can give better prediction for other levels of noise (see their Figure 6). In that situation, the Watson and Ahumada model agrees with our results, as we obtain better prediction with unaberrated templates (
L and 50/3log
VSOTF|) than with aberrated templates (
L* and 25log
M)). The predicted acuity changes do not depend on the noise level σ, which cancels out when writing that data separability at threshold remains unchanged when aberrations change (
Equation 18 and
26 for the ideal and real observers, respectively). Like Watson and Ahumada, we quantify the agreement between a model and measurements with the root mean square value of the (measurement model) difference (ϵ, see
Table 1). With ϵ = 2.71 letters for the 50/3log
VSOTF| metric, the root mean square difference corresponds to around 0.05 logMAR acuity, which is similar to the errors given by
Watson and Ahumada (2008) in their Figure 6.