April 2024
Volume 24, Issue 4
Open Access
Methods  |   April 2024
PTVR – A software in Python to make virtual reality experiments easier to build and more reproducible
Author Affiliations
Journal of Vision April 2024, Vol.24, 19. doi:https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.24.4.19
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      Eric Castet, Jérémy Termoz-Masson, Sebastian Vizcay, Johanna Delachambre, Vasiliki Myrodia, Carlos Aguilar, Frédéric Matonti, Pierre Kornprobst; PTVR – A software in Python to make virtual reality experiments easier to build and more reproducible. Journal of Vision 2024;24(4):19. https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.24.4.19.

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      © ARVO (1962-2015); The Authors (2016-present)

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Researchers increasingly use virtual reality (VR) to perform behavioral experiments, especially in vision science. These experiments are usually programmed directly in so-called game engines that are extremely powerful. However, this process is tricky and time-consuming as it requires solid knowledge of game engines. Consequently, the anticipated prohibitive effort discourages many researchers who want to engage in VR. This paper introduces the Perception Toolbox for Virtual Reality (PTVR) library, allowing visual perception studies in VR to be created using high-level Python script programming. A crucial consequence of using a script is that an experiment can be described by a single, easy-to-read piece of code, thus improving VR studies' transparency, reproducibility, and reusability. We built our library upon a seminal open-source library released in 2018 that we have considerably developed since then. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the PTVR software for the first time. We introduce the main objects and features of PTVR and some general concepts related to the three-dimensional (3D) world. This new library should dramatically reduce the difficulty of programming experiments in VR and elicit a whole new set of visual perception studies with high ecological validity.

It has become quite clear, especially in the last decade, that virtual reality (VR) is a valid and high-potential technology to build very sophisticated experiments in behavioral vision science and psychological research in general (Cipresso, Giglioli, Raya, & Riva, 2018; de Gelder, Kätsyri, & de Borst, 2018; Huygelier, Schraepen, van Ee, Vanden Abeele, & Gillebert, 2019; Kourtesis, Collina, Doumas, & MacPherson, 2019; Parsons, 2015; Rizzo, Goodwin, De Vito, & Bell, 2021; Scarfe & Glennerster, 2015; Wilson & Soranzo, 2015). To cite without comprehensiveness a few recent examples related to vision science, experiments have been performed in fields as diverse as binocular vision and stereopsis (Bankó et al., 2022; Levi, 2023), neuropsychological assessment of visual attention (Foerster, Poth, Behler, Botsch, & Schneider, 2019), visual search (David, Beitner, & Võ, 2021), visual perception with body/head-movements or with freely moving observers (Bai, Bao, Zhang, & Jiang, 2019; Scarfe & Glennerster, 2015), self-location, and self-motion perception (Luu, Zangerl, Kalloniatis, Palmisano, & Kim, 2021; Nakul, Orlando-Dessaints, Lenggenhager, & Lopez, 2020), visuo-motor control of reaching and pointing movements (Karimpur, Eftekharifar, Troje, & Fiehler, 2020; Wiesing, Kartashova, & Zimmermann, 2021), and testing and training of different sensorimotor functions, such as mobility (Bowman & Liu, 2017) or visuo-motor functions in low vision and ophthalmology (Crossland, Starke, Imielski, Wolffsohn, & Webster, 2019; Soans et al., 2021). 
When considering this now large literature, it appears that many of these experiments, especially in recent years, have been programmed directly in one of the two most popular game engines – Unity and Unreal. The Unity engine is more often used (e.g. in nearly all papers cited above) than the Unreal engine (e.g. Hornsey, Hibbard, & Scarfe, 2020) probably because of Unity's more intuitive interface. 
It seems therefore that using game engines has become de facto an established way of designing and running valid experiments. There are probably many reasons but it is worth summarizing the main significant and specific advantages of game engines in this context. 
First, these game engines are immensely powerful in their ability to model the three-dimensional (3D) world and its physical laws and to allow subjects to interact with this world. It is thus possible to construct very sophisticated environments and record multiple parameters of a subject's behavior interacting with this virtual world (e.g. body, head, hand, and more recently eye movements). Second, it is simple with game engines to deal with compatibility issues related notably to the use of VR equipment of different brands. The consequence of this latter point is that experiments can rely on a multiplicity of sophisticated VR equipment (headset, trackers, etc.) whose power and cost have dramatically evolved in opposite directions within a short period. The amplitude and rapidity of this evolution is quite obvious, for instance, in an important review done less than 10 years ago on the advantages of VR to build experiments for vision science (Scarfe & Glennerster, 2015). Third, game engines can be used for free by scientists as long as large profits do not result from the programmed experiments. 
Of course, game engines have their drawbacks. From many informal discussions with colleagues having used VR in their investigations, probably the worst and most cited drawback is the complexity of building an experiment, and as a consequence the slow learning curve of this process. Part of this complexity is not specific to game engines, it is simply due to the general complexity of VR which, for instance, implies mastering many key principles of 3D geometry. However, another part of this complexity is due, in our opinion, to the general structure and logic of the game engines methods required to build an experiment. Many researchers used to build experiments with a script programming language, such as PsychoPy (Peirce et al., 2019), find it difficult to use the graphical user interface (GUI) of game engines. Programming in a game engine means that the programmer's task is to enter the whole content of an experiment in an immense tree of menus and sub-menus. In addition to setting hundreds of parameters (or much more in many experiments) in the GUI, it is often necessary for the programmer to write numerous bits of code (in C# in Unity) that are buried in the labyrinthic tree of the graphical interface. This complexity is exacerbated by the absence of a “main” file which would provide a clear entry point to understand and organize the code. 
This general observation concerning the complex structure and logic of game engines will be referred to hereafter as the “game engines complexity” – note that this expression is merely a convenient shortcut. 
Whereas game engines are already notorious for inducing a slow learning curve of the programming process, the “game engines complexity” induces additional negative aspects that are points of special concern for researchers. The essence of these problems is that there is no easy and robust way for researchers and engineers to critically analyze and improve the distributed code that was used to create an experiment (Aguilar et al., 2022; Grübel, 2023). To understand this point and its importance, it is useful to consider the FAIR for Research Software (“FAIR4RS”) principles (Benureau & Rougier, 2018; Chue Hong et al., 2022; Lamprecht et al., 2020). These principles aim at guiding software creators to make their software FAIR – i.e. Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. As stated clearly in the Introduction of Chue Hong et al. (2022): “The ultimate goal of FAIR is to increase the transparency, reproducibility, and reusability of research. For this to happen, software needs to be well-described (by metadata), inspectable, documented and appropriately structured so that it can be executed, replicated, built-upon, combined, reinterpreted, reimplemented, and/or used in different settings.” 
Based on these considerations, it should be clear why “game engines complexity” does induce problems that are specific to research. As already explained, the code in game engines is split and distributed in many directories and subdirectories, thus requiring a complex cognitive approach to really understand this code. It is thus very difficult, tedious and time-consuming to inspect and comprehend the code created by other researchers, especially if the Methods section of a paper simply states that “the experiment was built directly into the game engine.” The same is true if one wants to execute, check, replicate, re-implement, or use the experiment's code in different settings. In short, experiments built with a game engine do not allow researchers to “increase the transparency, reproducibility, and reusability of research.” These issues are therefore quite far-reaching and have to be considered in the broad framework of the Open Science Framework (Munafò et al., 2017; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2019; Nosek et al., 2015; Open Science Collaboration, 2015; UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science - UNESCO Digital Library, n.d.). Put bluntly, an experiment should be described by a clear and structured code that can be made available so that “… code can be reused by others” (Nosek, Spies, & Motyl, 2012). 
The considerations above led us in 2018 to the following question: would it be possible to keep the advantages of a VR game engine, while being able to make the code of an experiment “usable” in the sense defined above by other researchers? To answer this question, we were inspired by the work of computer programming scientists of the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) who presented their work at the 2018 European Conference on Visual Perception (Mathur, Majumdar, & Ghose, 2018). These scientists created an open-source toolbox allowing researchers to write a script in Python to build a VR experiment. Their key idea was that this script was actually used (behind the scene) to build a VR experiment with Unity as a backend. Their toolbox was thus able to contain the whole content of a Unity experiment within a single script. Another asset of this toolbox was that Python was used to write the scripts. In brief, not only is Python a powerful and high-level open-source language, but it is used by a very large community of scientists and benefits from a multitude of helpful complementary libraries. The numerous advantages of using Python scripts for scientific research have long been recognized, especially in the vision science community, as testified by the success of PsychoPy (Peirce, 2007; Peirce, 2009), an open-source software often used by researchers to build experiments on two-dimensional (2D) monitors. 
We therefore decided in 2019 to continue the development of this open-source toolbox called Perception Toolbox for Virtual Reality (PTVR - https://ptvr.inria.fr/). Since then, we have continuously been developing and extending PTVR and part of our work was presented at the 2022 ECVP conference (Castet et al., 2022). This paper aims at providing for the first time a comprehensive overview of the PTVR software. 
Code and equipment
PTVR is a free and open-source software distributed under the GPL-3.0 license. It is freely available on the PTVR website (https://ptvr.inria.fr/). 
At the time of the last submission of the present paper, the version of PTVR is 1.0.0 and it is based on Unity version 2020.3.34f1. 
PTVR has been tested with HTC Vive Pro (Eye) headsets (and their controllers) connected to VR-ready PCs (as specified by HTC) running under Windows 10. We have also tested eye tracking capabilities with the Sranipal package from Vive (see the section “An experiment and its output files”). We are closely following the development of OpenXR which defines the standard for XR hardware (headsets, controllers, and eye-tracking) to make future versions of PTVR work with other headsets. 
Every effort was made to improve the readability and consistency of our Python code by following as closely as possible the PEP 8 coding style (https://peps.python.org/pep-0008/). 
PTVR architecture
The general PTVR architecture is schematically represented by the flowchart shown in Figure 1. The parts that constitute the toolbox itself, that is, the parts that have been developed by PTVR developers, are highlighted in light blue (PTVR Python Library, PTVR Unity Library, and PTVR.exe). 
Figure 1.
Overview of the PTVR architecture. The PTVR toolbox (highlighted in light blue) contains a PTVR Python Library allowing users to write their experiments in a PTVR script (in Python). Running this script generates a JSON file which can then be deserialized thanks to the PTVR.exe executable in order to run the experiment and produce an output file. This executable integrates features described in the PTVR Unity library, which itself implements in Unity the features available in the PTVR Python library.
Figure 1.
Overview of the PTVR architecture. The PTVR toolbox (highlighted in light blue) contains a PTVR Python Library allowing users to write their experiments in a PTVR script (in Python). Running this script generates a JSON file which can then be deserialized thanks to the PTVR.exe executable in order to run the experiment and produce an output file. This executable integrates features described in the PTVR Unity library, which itself implements in Unity the features available in the PTVR Python library.
When creating an experiment, the starting point is to write a PTVR script that describes the experiment: this is done by using features available in the PTVR Python Library. Once a script is ready to run, executing the script performs two successive steps: (1) it creates a JSON file containing all the parameters that will be necessary for Unity to run the experiment, (2) and, then, it launches the PTVR.exe application which processes the JSON file, runs the experiment thanks to all the parameters contained in the JSON file, and eventually creates the experiment's output files. 
To allow this flow of operations, the PTVR developers have previously performed the following actions. First, they have created a one-to-one feature mapping between the PTVR Python library and the PTVR Unity library. For instance, as an illustration, they have created simple objects (e.g. spheres and cubes) which are available to users thanks to the PTVR Python library, and in parallel they have created a corresponding object in the PTVR Unity library. This latter library is written in C#, as required by Unity. Second, once the developments above were finished, the developers have created the PTVR.exe application by compiling it based on the PTVR Unity library and on the standard Unity library. In sum, the PTVR.exe application is a Unity application that is able to use a JSON file to instantiate all the features that are contained in the PTVR Python library. 
It is important to emphasize here that PTVR goes further than simply exposing some of the features available in Unity. PTVR also creates new features that are absent in Unity and at the same time considered useful by vision scientists (e.g. the Tangent Screen object, and the perimetric Coordinate System – see the corresponding subsections in the Results section). 
PTVR users
PTVR can be used in two different ways depending on the needs of two different broad classes of “users.” 
Our first target user is a person who wants to program a VR experiment, usually a researcher or an engineer (see Figure 2). This user is referred to as a “researcher” for convenience. The first step for this PTVR user is to write or edit a PTVR script. Note that, in this context, this kind of user is sometimes called a “programmer” and this should not be confused with a PTVR “developer.” This user makes use of the PTVR Python library which contains functions and objects that are written in a high-level language. This high-level language is meant to be easily understood primarily by vision scientists (for instance, with the goal of creating an object in a “perimetric” coordinate system). The second step for this PTVR user is to execute the PTVR script, which will launch the experiment and eventually create files describing the outputs of the experiments (subjects’ responses, head and/or gaze movements, etc.). In sum, this PTVR user will write/edit a Python script, run it, and analyze the output files. 
Figure 2.
Flowchart of the steps followed by the first type of PTVR users (“researchers”). These users write a PTVR script describing their experiment by using the PTVR Python library. When they execute the script, the experiment is launched and it produces the output file. Internally, a JSON file is created and interpreted by the PTVR.exe executable.
Figure 2.
Flowchart of the steps followed by the first type of PTVR users (“researchers”). These users write a PTVR script describing their experiment by using the PTVR Python library. When they execute the script, the experiment is launched and it produces the output file. Internally, a JSON file is created and interpreted by the PTVR.exe executable.
Note that, in this scenario, neither Unity nor the PTVR Unity library need to be installed. 
Our second target user is a person running an experiment without any knowledge of PTVR and without knowing about the existence of an underlying PTVR script (see Figure 3). This user is referred to as an “operator” for convenience. This person might be a researcher running an experiment whose script has been written by a colleague. This could also be a person running rehabilitation exercises with patients, for instance, a vision care professional working with low vision patients. This could also be a teacher running an experiment for educational purposes: for example, a 3D geometry teacher or a statistics teacher explaining the 3D principles necessary to visualize multiple regression. In these cases, the PTVR user simply needs to run PTVR.exe and select the JSON file shared by the person who created the experiment. In some cases, this user might also have the responsibility of processing the data recorded in the experiment's output file. 
Figure 3.
Flowchart of the steps followed by the second type of PTVR users (“operators”). These users simply need to run PTVR.exe and select the JSON file of the experiment they want to run. In this case, PTVR.exe is the only element they need from the PTVR Toolbox.
Figure 3.
Flowchart of the steps followed by the second type of PTVR users (“operators”). These users simply need to run PTVR.exe and select the JSON file of the experiment they want to run. In this case, PTVR.exe is the only element they need from the PTVR Toolbox.
Version-control system
To work in an open-science framework, it has become essential to provide a version-control system (VCS) to keep track of the successive versions of an open-source code (Blischak, Davenport, & Wilson, 2016; Wilson et al., 2014). This is, for instance, quite clear in a report of the National Academy of Sciences stating that “Scientists are increasingly adopting it as a necessary piece in the reproducibility toolbox” (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2019). 
There are two PTVR repositories to provide a clear organization of the code: 
  • - The PTVR_Researchers repository: this repository is targeted at both kinds of PTVR users, that is, “researchers” and “operators” (see the section “PTVR users”). “Researchers” will find in this repository the elements necessary to program and run an experiment, namely the PTVR Python library and the PTVR.exe application (see Figure 2). “Operators” will only use the PTVR.exe application (see Figure 3). These users do not need to install Unity on their PC.
  • - The PTVR_Developers repository: this repository is targeted at PTVR “developers” (see the section “PTVR users”) and only contains the PTVR Unity library (see Figure 1). The task of “developers” is to improve this library from one release to the other. These users need to install Unity on their PC.
This section mainly concerns the PTVR users who want to write/edit a PTVR script and run the corresponding experiment (see the section “PTVR users”). This section thus summarizes the points that will help users to write/edit a PTVR script, and also emphasizes, when relevant, the PTVR features that are especially useful for vision scientists (and absent in Unity). 
Learning PTVR with online documentation and demo scripts
Learning how to use a program obviously relies on the availability of a clear documentation containing numerous explanations and tutorials. A good example, in our opinion, is the success of the open-source PsychoPy software that owes a lot to its online documentation besides its own merits (Peirce et al., 2019). This is why we made every effort to provide a clear and extensive documentation that is freely available on the PTVR website (https://ptvr.inria.fr/). 
First, learning how to write scripts in a program, such as PTVR, does not only rely on its documentation. It also relies on the availability of “demo scripts” that can highly accelerate the learning curve of this language if they are designed with an intentional didactic purpose. Here, again, it is likely that the popularity of the PsychoPy software is largely due to its numerous didactic demo scripts. In PTVR, many didactic demo scripts have therefore been created. Overall, these scripts cover all aspects of the features that are currently available in PTVR (i.e. even some that are not yet covered in the documentation). 
Second, based on the observation that it is difficult to explain issues related to 3D geometry with text only (as is often the case in many online documentations), the PTVR documentation presents the following original characteristics: 
  • - Numerous 3D figures help users get a better mental representation of the 3D scenes that are created in the VR headset. This point is so important that these 3D figures are often displayed with an animation to further help visualize the 3D geometry of figures. These figures are mostly designed with the open-source software Geogebra (https://www.geogebra.org/), a famous tool used world-wide to teach and learn mathematics and geometry. PTVR identifies some of these figures as “immersive” because they represent the immersion experienced by users when running the corresponding demo scripts.
  • - Movies are available to showcase some key demo scripts. These movies are generated with film editing techniques whose principle is that the back of an observer is filmed and superimposed with a movie displaying the content of the headset viewport. For instance, if the observer's head is moving rightward in real life, then the whole VR environment is moving leftward in the movie. Although this kind of presentation is far from simulating what an observer really perceives in the VR headset, it is, however, helpful to get a quick understanding of the dynamic aspects of some VR scenarios. Some of these movies illustrate the experiments presented in the section “Use cases.” All movies are available in the “Media” menu of the PTVR website (https://ptvr.inria.fr/).
Finally, cheat sheets are available in a specific section of the documentation to provide a comprehensive overview of the most important PTVR features (e.g. what are the different ways of specifying the positions of objects?). 
Core elements for creating virtual interactive 3D worlds and collecting subject's responses
Key role of scenes
Writing a PTVR script first necessitates a clear understanding of the key role of scenes and objects. These two terms have a relatively intuitive meaning from a user's perspective. An object is a visual entity such as a primitive 3D shape (cube, sphere, etc.) or a text in the current PTVR version, and it will represent more complex 2D or 3D visual objects in future PTVR versions. A scene can be considered as a static snapshot that displays a set of PTVR objects for a certain duration. 
The scene is a core element because nothing will be displayed in the VR headset if no scene has been created in the PTVR script. If at least one scene has been created, then running the script will successively display the scenes (each with its programmed duration), as illustrated in Figure 4, for a sequence of two scenes (each containing two cones). These two scenes also illustrate that displacing an object from one scene to another can be used to create motion or “apparent motion” (Braddick, 1980). In this case, the most distant cone is moving away. 
Figure 4.
Running a script in PTVR will display either a single scene or a sequence of scenes. Here, two scenes, each containing two objects, are displayed successively.
Figure 4.
Running a script in PTVR will display either a single scene or a sequence of scenes. Here, two scenes, each containing two objects, are displayed successively.
As will be explained below in more concrete details, each scene is able to handle its own interactivity with a high level of sophistication. For instance, the duration of the first scene might depend on some external event, like a trigger press, whereas the duration of the second scene might depend on other events, such as the direction of the subject's head. Alternatively, several of these events might be integrated within any given scene. 
To get a better understanding of how to program scenes in PTVR scripts, the next subsections will give some basic explanations about the key principles underlying their logic. To help illustrate these principles more concretely, a PTVR script is shown in Code Snippet 1. This example script displays the basic 3D stimulus used in an influential study bearing on visual search processes (He & Nakayama, 1995). The spatial layout and dimensions of the stimuli, although not exact replications, are similar to those used in the initial study (see Figure 5). In this visual search experiment, the target is located in the middle-depth plane, the “search plane,” where all elements have the same color, except for the target which is of the opposite color. The task is to find the single odd-colored target within this search plane, despite the distractors of the same color in the nearer and farther adjacent planes. The dependent variable is the time needed to detect the target. 
Code Snippet 1.
Demo script reproducing the 3D display of an experiment by He and Nakayama (1995). This script creates the stimulus configuration used in the first experiment of their investigation, an influential work on visual search processes utilizing 3D stimuli (see Figure 5 for a schematic view of this 3D display).
Code Snippet 1.
Demo script reproducing the 3D display of an experiment by He and Nakayama (1995). This script creates the stimulus configuration used in the first experiment of their investigation, an influential work on visual search processes utilizing 3D stimuli (see Figure 5 for a schematic view of this 3D display).
Code Snippet 2.
Interactivity during an experiment. This demo successively presents two scenes. Each scene contains a single interaction. These two interactions respectively correspond to those of Scenes 1 and 2 in the Table 1.
Code Snippet 2.
Interactivity during an experiment. This demo successively presents two scenes. Each scene contains a single interaction. These two interactions respectively correspond to those of Scenes 1 and 2 in the Table 1.
Figure 5.
Schematic illustration of the 3D stimulus configuration used in experiment 1 of He and Nakayama (1995). This configuration is created by the PTVR script shown in Code Snippet 1. Three vertical arrays of 12 rectangles are displayed at three different depths on three notional planes. These three planes are represented here by three vertical semitransparent surfaces that were actually invisible in the real experiment.
Figure 5.
Schematic illustration of the 3D stimulus configuration used in experiment 1 of He and Nakayama (1995). This configuration is created by the PTVR script shown in Code Snippet 1. Three vertical arrays of 12 rectangles are displayed at three different depths on three notional planes. These three planes are represented here by three vertical semitransparent surfaces that were actually invisible in the real experiment.
Creating the world and the scenes
Before creating a scene, it is mandatory to create the 3D world that will contain the scenes. This is achieved by line #27 of Code Snippet 1. The mandatory call to Visual.The3DWorld() is similar in logic to the Psychopy call to “visual.Window()” which is necessary to create a 2D window on which stimuli will be drawn. Here, the my_world object contains information on the 3D world created by PTVR. It is used, for instance, when a coordinate transformation is required (see section “Coordinate transformation”). The following call, namely to Scenes.VisualScene(), is also mandatory because at least one scene is needed to display objects in the VR headset (see the previous section). Once the my_world and my_scene objects have been created, 36 3D rectangles are created and placed in the 3D world by calls to Objects.Cube() in the function create_plane(). 
Each scene specifies its specific interactivity with events and callbacks
PTVR utilizes an event-driven architecture (Van-Roy & Haridi, 2004). Users can define the intended logic of an experiment by creating a list of actions to be performed in response to events that may occur at any time during the program's execution. This event-driven architecture facilitates communication between the custom Python logic, which describes the experiment, and the main PTVR application (PTVR.exe – see the section “PTVR architecture”) implemented in Unity using C#. 
Examples of events utilized in PTVR include user input events, such as key/button presses; timeout events, which are triggered by timers; and system events, such as notifications when a scene is loaded, a trial has started, or when a participant has moved beyond a certain point in space. 
On the other hand, in PTVR, the specification of actions to be performed when events are triggered is accomplished through callback execution: when an event gets triggered, a “callback function” (sometimes called an event handler function) associated with this given event is executed. For instance, every time the letter “a” is pressed on the keyboard (a key-press event), then the letter “a” is displayed on the screen (callback). 
However, Python is not used in PTVR as a runtime scripting language. Instead, it serves as a language that generates a JSON file describing the experiment. Consequently, researchers are unable to define arbitrary functions as callbacks. To address this, PTVR provides a library of predefined callback objects, which can be utilized as building blocks for complex logic. Because these callback objects are encapsulated as objects, they can be serialized as data into the JSON file. 
The PTVR Python callback library empowers researchers to accomplish various common tasks encountered in psychophysics experiments. With this library, researchers can easily perform actions, such as displaying and hiding stimuli, modifying properties like color, size, and position of objects, playing audio, presenting text, advancing to the next trial, and recording experimental metrics, among numerous other capabilities. 
A user establishes the connection between events and callbacks in PTVR by creating interactions. An interaction serves as a framework that defines which callbacks should be executed when a specific event occurs. In the current PTVR version, these interactions are scoped within a scene, allowing users to create multiple scenes, each listening for different events and executing distinct sets of callbacks. The Table 1 provides an illustrative example of how different scenes can be utilized to trigger events and execute specific callbacks. 
Table 1.
Illustration of scene-specific interactivity with an example where each of three successive scenes has a different interactivity.
Table 1.
Illustration of scene-specific interactivity with an example where each of three successive scenes has a different interactivity.
In sum, an event is something that might happen or not during a scene. As long as a scene is displayed, some events specific to this scene are listened to by PTVR. A user might, for instance, create three scenes, each listening to different sets of events as schematically shown in the Table 1 (a scene can contain several interactions, as illustrated by scene 3). This table also emphasizes that each event is associated with its own callback. 
The interactions shown in the Table 1 for scene 1 and scene 2 have been implemented in an example script presented in Code Snippet 2. Running this script will display two scenes. The first scene displays a text and waits until the keyboard “q” key is pressed. When the “q” press event is triggered, the first scene ends and the second scene appears (with a different text) for a preset duration. 
The desired scene's duration
An important methodological point in behavioral science often concerns the control of time. In vision science, it is crucial to control the duration of visual stimuli or the reaction times of subjects in different tasks. 
In PTVR, the duration of a visual stimulus is specified by placing this stimulus in a scene and by controlling the duration of this scene. In PTVR, as in Unity, controlling a duration relies on the use of events and callbacks (see the previous section). 
The logic is illustrated in Code Snippet 2. A Timer event that we name duration_exceeded (line #31) is created so that it will be triggered when a certain duration has elapsed from the start of the scene. In addition, an EndCurrentScene callback (line #20) that we name end_scene is created so that it will be executed when duration_exceeded has been triggered. Internally, an EndCurrentScene callback will not only stop the display of the current scene but also choose the next scene to display. 
As specifying the duration of a scene is such a common operation when programming experiments, we felt that users might find the use of events and callbacks too time-consuming for this specific operation. We therefore created a simplified way of creating a scene: instead of using a VisualScene object and creating afterward events and callbacks for this scene (as in Code Snippet 2), it is also possible to create a SimplifiedTimerScene object with the desired duration passed as an argument as in the following line: 
my_scene = PTVR.Stimuli.Scenes.SimplifiedTimerScene (scene_duration_in_ms = 500). 
After this line of code, there is thus no need to create a subsequent interaction (which is actually internally created). Note, however, that this is an exception as interactions remain the most powerful and flexible way of creating interactivity in PTVR. 
Vision scientists know that it is not sufficient to specify a stimulus’ desired duration value in a software to display this stimulus with an actual physical duration corresponding to the desired value. We explain some of the technical details pertaining to this issue in the next section. 
The actual scene's duration
Controlling the actual duration of a stimulus is a key issue in visual psychophysics (“actual duration” meaning “as measured on a monitor with a photo-cell”). Cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors have been used for decades in visual psychophysics for several reasons. 
First, a CRT monitor provides actual stimulus durations that correspond to integer multiples of the CRT's frame duration. For instance, a CRT monitor with a 100 hertz (Hz) refresh rate (i.e. a frame duration of 10 ms) will provide actual durations such as 50 ms (five frames), 60 ms (six frames), etc., and no values in between. 
Second, with an appropriate software, it is possible to make sure that the actual duration of a stimulus will correspond to a certain number of frames. For instance, a researcher can make sure that the actual stimulus duration will be 50 ms and not 60 ms. This latter achievement is only possible if the stimulus to be displayed does not involve time-consuming processes (e.g. complex calculations necessary to draw this stimulus) that would exceed a certain duration (usually one frame duration). If this duration is exceeded, the actual duration will be longer (usually by one frame duration) than the desired duration. 
Since around 2000, many investigations have tested this temporal accuracy issue with different kinds of monitors, such as LCD and later OLED monitors (Cooper, Jiang, Vildavski, Farrell, & Norcia, 2013; Elze, 2010). Temporal accuracy has also been tested with different software programs, operating systems, and as a function of different loads imposed by stimulus complexity: a significant and thorough contribution to this investigation, including online internet studies, has been made with the PsychoPy package (Bridges, Pitiot, MacAskill, & Peirce, 2020). 
Data on temporal accuracy for VR headsets are not only scarcer (Chénéchal & Goldman, 2018; Tachibana & Matsumiya, 2021; Wiesing, Fink, & Weidner, 2020) but also difficult to interpret, as some studies programmed their experiments directly in the Unity or Unreal engines, whereas others used commercial software programs. However, it seems that temporal accuracy with VR headsets is not as good as with CRT monitors. In other words, it is difficult to predict in advance whether a given desired duration, even when expressed as a multiple of frame duration, will induce the same actual duration. Therefore, VR cannot be currently recommended for experiments that need an almost perfect control of actual stimulus duration as shown, for instance, in Bridges et al. (2020). Logically, the same recommendation is currently valid for PTVR. 
However, many experiments do not need this almost perfect control of actual duration. The important point for many purposes is rather to be able to measure the difference between the desired and the actual stimulus durations. A first step toward this stringent measure is offered by PTVR. The principle is to record the timestamps associated with the start and with the end of a scene. These two timestamps called scene_start_timestamp and scene_end_timestamp are stored in the main output file created at the end of a PTVR experiment (see the next section). These two timestamps can be used offline to obtain an “estimated duration” of a scene. Most importantly, statistics based on these measures can be calculated to assess the difference between this “estimated duration” and the actual duration. Although it is not our goal in the present work to perform a systematic investigation of this issue as a function of many parameters, as in Bridges et al. (2020), we, however, wanted to present a few preliminary data that turn out to be encouraging. We run a simple demo script that displayed 5000 scenes whose scene durations were set to 100 ms in the script. We chose this desired duration because it is an integer multiple of the frame duration (i.e. nine frames at the 90 Hz refresh rate of the HTC Vive Pro headset's screen). Scene “estimated duration” for each of the 5000 scenes was calculated by subtracting scene_start_timestamp from scene_end_timestamp. The distribution of these scene durations shows that slightly more than 90% of durations are between 100 ms and 102 ms, and the rest lies between 103 ms and 112 ms (with two outliers at about 20 ms). These values remain very similar when performing this test several times. 
The most important point here is that these measures available in the main output file will allow researchers to compare the “estimated duration” described above with the scenes’ actual duration based on photocell measurements. Researchers who need a very stringent control of scenes duration will then be able to decide whether the statistical uncertainty associated with the scenes’ duration is compatible with their experimental questions. 
An experiment and its output files
At the end of a PTVR experiment, that is, once all the scenes of a script have been displayed, three types of output can be produced to save results. The main output file is systematically produced and contains information allowing researchers to analyze subjects’ responses as a function of experimental parameters. Variables that are automatically saved in this file are those that are considered as essential in all experiments (e.g. name_of_subject, scene_id, …). In addition to this main output file, the user can record (with a simple setting in the script) the head data or the eye/gaze data. These three kinds of output files are event-driven log files (Faison, 2011). 
An example of a main output file is shown in Figure 6 to emphasize some of its key points (more details can be found in the “Files” entry of the PTVR documentation's Index). The first point to emphasize is that each line of the file represents an interaction (as the file is event-driven). 
Figure 6.
Main output file automatically saved after running the script shown in Code Snippet 2. Each line corresponds to an interaction – that is, an event coupled with a callback (a few columns are ignored for visual clarity).
Figure 6.
Main output file automatically saved after running the script shown in Code Snippet 2. Each line corresponds to an interaction – that is, an event coupled with a callback (a few columns are ignored for visual clarity).
This file was created after running the script shown in Code Snippet 2. Remember that this script created two scenes, each of which contained a single interaction, which is the reason why there are only two lines in the file. 
Note the key role of the variables called scene_start_timestamp and scene_end_timestamp (measured in ms). For the first scene, these variables can be used here to calculate a reaction time (RT), which, here, is the time elapsed between the start of the scene and the keypress on “q.” This is calculated by subtracting scene_start_timestamp from scene_end_timestamp as the scene ends when the “q” key has been pressed. For the second scene, these two variables allow the user to check that the scene's duration corresponds to the desired scene's duration (here, 2000 ms). 
Let us emphasize that the role of the scene_start_timestamp and scene_end_timestamp variables is also crucial to assess statistics concerning the estimated scenes’ durations elicited by any PTVR script (see the section “The actual scene's duration”). 
In most experiments, a user needs more variables than those automatically saved in the main output file. In this case, some simple code in the script is necessary to save the variables that the user has created and wishes to record. 
In the future, PTVR will allow the creation of more output files that will perform some higher-level processing of the data already stored in the output files presented above. 
Coordinate systems
Working with VR in vision science implies having an accurate control of the positions and orientations of objects in the virtual environment. This actually relies on the use of Coordinate systems (CSs) allowing the researcher to place objects in the virtual world. The stimuli created by researchers usually need more than one CS. For instance, it can be necessary to position objects with respect to the virtual world (virtual-world centered coordinates), with respect to one eye (eye-centered coordinates) or with respect to the subject's head (head-centered coordinates) to name only a few situations. 
This is why PTVR developed some useful specific features, that are absent in Unity, for the manipulation of CSs. These features will be described in details in the following sections. To anticipate briefly, PTVR has kept the concepts of global and local CSs that are key concepts in Unity. In addition, PTVR has introduced the concept of “current CS” that is absent in Unity and that allows PTVR to use several CSs within the same script. 
An important feature, especially for vision scientists, is the possibility to use perimetric CSs (these CSs belong to the class of the Spherical CSs). They are, for instance, systematically used in visual psychophysics to specify objects’ positions in terms of visual angles, thus allowing a correspondence with objects’ retinal projections. 
Finally, note that the expression “Coordinate System” is synonymous with “Reference Frame” as often encountered in fields such as visual neuroscience or physics. For consistency, PTVR preferentially uses the expression “Coordinate System.” 
The global coordinate system
By default, the global CS, also referred to as the world CS, is a cartesian CS (also known as the XYZ system). It is usually represented with the spatial layout shown in Figure 7 (as in Unity), that is, the X and Y axes respectively point rightward and upward, whereas the Z axis recedes in the background. This layout corresponds in mathematics to the so-called left-handed CS. The default units are meters. Note that the axes’ colors used in the present paper (and in the PTVR documentation) are intentionally the same as in Unity to avoid confusion. 
Figure 7.
Canonical representation of the global coordinate system (CS) used by PTVR (and by Unity). Axes’ units are in meters. Og stands for “Origin of the global CS.” The silhouette represents a subject, here seated, who has performed the calibration of the VR system (see text). With the orientation of the subject shown here, it is commonly said in the VR terminology that the global positive X, Y, and Z axes, respectively, correspond to the “rightward,” “upward,” and “forward” directions. Note the headset at the level of his/her eyes.
Figure 7.
Canonical representation of the global coordinate system (CS) used by PTVR (and by Unity). Axes’ units are in meters. Og stands for “Origin of the global CS.” The silhouette represents a subject, here seated, who has performed the calibration of the VR system (see text). With the orientation of the subject shown here, it is commonly said in the VR terminology that the global positive X, Y, and Z axes, respectively, correspond to the “rightward,” “upward,” and “forward” directions. Note the headset at the level of his/her eyes.
It is important to emphasize that the spatial layout of Figure 7 does not give any information on the link between the global CS and the real environment. This relationship is defined by the calibration of the VR system. In other words, once a correct calibration has been performed, the global CS is fixed with respect to the real environment. This fixed relationship is illustrated in Figure 7 thanks to the silhouette representing the subject at the moment when he/she performed a calibration of the VR system. If we assume that the subject's headset direction was aligned with the real world East direction at the time of a calibration, then the Z axis of the global CS will be in the real world East for this calibration. Another important pragmatic point illustrated in Figure 7 is that the XZ plane (yellow plane) of the global CS corresponds to the floor of the real world (if calibration has been performed correctly). 
Local coordinate systems created with coordinate transformations
In many fields of science, including vision science, it is essential to be able to use several CSs that are called “local” CSs as opposed to the global CS. For instance, in vision science, it is more convenient to define the positions of stimuli with respect to the subject's cyclopean eye (let's call it the “cyclopean viewpoint”) rather than with respect to the origin of the global CS. This is achieved by creating a local CS whose origin lies at the cyclopean viewpoint. 
Creating a local CS is achieved thanks to a coordinate transformation process which allows to go from one CS to another. This is a key feature of PTVR that proves to be highly convenient in many scientific situations. 
In the example above, creating a local CS positioned at the cyclopean viewpoint is easily achieved through coordinate transformation by applying a vertical translation to the global CS (also known as a shift of origin) so that the origin of the local CS coincides with the viewpoint's position. After this coordinate transformation, coordinates in this local CS will, as intended, represent the stimuli's coordinates with respect to the viewpoint. An example of this kind of coordinate transformation is shown in Figure 8A. In this example, where Ol needs to be positioned at the cyclopean viewpoint, the distance between Og and Ol should be set to the height of the subject's eyes during the experiment. 
Figure 8.
Coordinate transformations. (A) The local CS in the upper part of the figure is the result of a vertical translation applied to the global CS (this case is often called a shift of Origin). Ol stands for “Origin of the local CS.” (B) Illustration of how to use the “current CS” concept to place objects whose positions are specified in different CSs (see text). The locations of the sphere and of the cylinder are, respectively, specified in the global and in the local CSs with the same triplet of coordinates (0, 0, 1). The blue and yellow surfaces, respectively, represent the local and the global XZ planes.
Figure 8.
Coordinate transformations. (A) The local CS in the upper part of the figure is the result of a vertical translation applied to the global CS (this case is often called a shift of Origin). Ol stands for “Origin of the local CS.” (B) Illustration of how to use the “current CS” concept to place objects whose positions are specified in different CSs (see text). The locations of the sphere and of the cylinder are, respectively, specified in the global and in the local CSs with the same triplet of coordinates (0, 0, 1). The blue and yellow surfaces, respectively, represent the local and the global XZ planes.
Using the current coordinate system to place objects
The concept of “current CS” is not present in Unity and is essential when writing PTVR scripts to place objects in the virtual world. To understand this concept, it is necessary to keep in mind that the different CSs used in a PTVR experiment are created within a script in a certain order. Thus, at any point in a script, there is only one CS that is active in the subsequent script's lines until a coordinate transformation is performed (if any) with a PTVR command. The CS that is active between two successive coordinate transformations within a PTVR script is called the “current CS.” 
In other words, at any point within a script, the current CS refers to the last created CS in the script. This CS will be used to place objects in the virtual world until another coordinate transformation occurs (if any). 
For instance, if the current CS is the global CS (usually near the beginning of a script), then an object's position specified with the triplet (0, 0, 1) corresponds to the sphere's position in Figure 8B. However, if a coordinate transformation occurs later on in the code (say a shift in origin, as shown in Figure 8A), the current CS is now the local CS shown in this figure. Thus, placing an object after this transformation with the same (0, 0, 1) position is interpreted within the “current CS” which corresponds to the cylinder in Figure 8B. 
Using this “current CS” terminology helps us describe how we created the 3D stimuli in the demo script shown in Code Snippet 1. When the first plane of rectangles (i.e. see the nearer plane in Figure 5) was created, the current CS was an upward and forward origin translation (with regard to [wrt] global CS), so that the stimuli would appear in front of the subjects and at the height of their head. Then, when the second plane (i.e. the middle plane) was created, the current CS was now slightly forward wrt the previous plane. Finally, when the third plane (i.e. the farther plane) was created, the current CS was again slightly forward wrt the previous plane. 
Importantly, all the coordinate transformations available in PTVR are concisely presented in a cheat sheet that can be found in the PTVR documentation (for a quick search in the documentation, type “cheat” in the documentation's search bar). There are also cheat sheets in the documentation summarizing the different ways of placing and rotating objects. 
Perimetric coordinates
For any CS defined with cartesian coordinates, it is possible to use other coordinates. As perimetric coordinates are of outmost importance in vision science, they have been implemented in PTVR with a user-friendly syntax (this does not exist in Unity). In mathematics, the perimetric CS belongs to the class of spherical CSs
For simplicity of the figures, the examples in the present section assume that the cartesian CS is the global CS but it could also be any local cartesian CS. The link between the cartesian CS and the perimetric CS is illustrated in Figure 9. Here, the 3D position of a point P (lying on the yellow sphere) is defined by its three perimetric coordinates: 
  • - Half-meridian (from 0 degrees to 360 degrees).
  • - Eccentricity (from 0 degrees to 180 degrees).
  • - Radial distance (in meters): this is the radius (in meters) of the sphere on which P is lying (i.e. distance between the origin of CS and point P).
Figure 9.
Example of a perimetric CS superimposed with a cartesian CS. The perimetric coordinates of point P are: half-meridian = 135 degrees, eccentricity = 20 degrees, and radial distance = 1 m. See animations of this CS (and others) on the PTVR web site.
Figure 9.
Example of a perimetric CS superimposed with a cartesian CS. The perimetric coordinates of point P are: half-meridian = 135 degrees, eccentricity = 20 degrees, and radial distance = 1 m. See animations of this CS (and others) on the PTVR web site.
Figure 10 shows another example to visualize more clearly the link between cartesian coordinates and perimetric coordinates. Here, the cartesian coordinates of P have been specified as x = 0, y = 1, and z = 1 so that its perimetric coordinates are (half-meridian = 90 degrees, eccentricity = 45 degrees, and radial distance = √2). 
Figure 10.
Simple example to easily visualize the link between cartesian and perimetric coordinates. The cartesian coordinates of point P are x = 0, y = 1, and z = 1 so that its perimetric coordinates are (half-meridian = 90 degrees, eccentricity = 45 degrees, and radial distance = √2 meters) – ecc stands for eccentricity. The radial distance of point P is √(1+1) – that is, 1.414 - as the Y and Z coordinates of P are 1.
Figure 10.
Simple example to easily visualize the link between cartesian and perimetric coordinates. The cartesian coordinates of point P are x = 0, y = 1, and z = 1 so that its perimetric coordinates are (half-meridian = 90 degrees, eccentricity = 45 degrees, and radial distance = √2 meters) – ecc stands for eccentricity. The radial distance of point P is √(1+1) – that is, 1.414 - as the Y and Z coordinates of P are 1.
In a forthcoming release of PTVR, we plan to add other spherical CSs, notably “azimuth-elevation” systems that are ubiquitous in vision science fields related to eye movements and positions, such as binocular processing and eye movement control (Howard & Rogers, 2008). 
Main PTVR objectives and features
The coordinate system of an object
Every object in PTVR has its own cartesian CS, called the “object's CS,” which is internally created at the creation of the object. This is illustrated in Figure 11A where a green 2D arrow object is lying in a plane parallel to the XY plane (this arrow object does not exist yet in PTVR and is used here only for convenience as the orientation of an arrow is easy to visualize). The CS of this object is also shown with its origin represented by an orange dot (which corresponds to the object's position) and with its three axes called “object's X,” “object's Y,” and “object's Z.” 
Figure 11.
The CS of an object. (A) Here, the object is a 2D green arrow created with its default orientation. The CS of the arrow has its origin at the arrow's position (orange dot) and its three axes are indicated by the “object's X,” “object's Y,” and “object's Z” vectors. (B) The green arrow has the same position as in Figure 11A but a different orientation which induces a concomitant orientation change of the arrow's CS.
Figure 11.
The CS of an object. (A) Here, the object is a 2D green arrow created with its default orientation. The CS of the arrow has its origin at the arrow's position (orange dot) and its three axes are indicated by the “object's X,” “object's Y,” and “object's Z” vectors. (B) The green arrow has the same position as in Figure 11A but a different orientation which induces a concomitant orientation change of the arrow's CS.
Importantly, changing the orientation of an object (while keeping its position the same) induces the same orientation change to the object's CS. For instance, if the arrow's orientation (see in Figure 11A) is changed by a rotation so that its final orientation is the one shown in Figure 11B, note how its CS has concomitantly changed. The CS of an object offers convenient ways of creating stimuli with respect to the object's CS. 
Although an object's CS is a local CS in the same mathematical way as the local CSs defined in the section “Coordinate systems,” its purpose and use are different (these differences are explained in more details in the PTVR documentation). An important role of object's CSs is to provide an easy and quick way to create complex objects made of several sub-parts. For instance, it would be simple to place say a sphere at the pointed tip of the green arrow whatever the arrow's orientation. In other words, it is helpful to use coordinates that are relative to the object irrespectively of the position and orientation of the object. Along these lines, it will be shown in the next sections that using an object's CS is especially useful for some special PTVR objects, such as the Flat and Tangent Screens, notably to place text or other objects on these screens. 
Thus, although an object's CS is a local CS, we caution users against confusions with the local CSs detailed in the section “Coordinate systems.” One important confusion that must not be made concerns the use of the “current CS” concept in a script: it must be remembered that the “current CS” can only refer to the global CS or to a local CS created by coordinate transformations, that is, it cannot refer to an object's CS. To reduce the risk of such confusions, we intentionally avoid the use of the “local” term when considering an object's CS either in the text or in the figures of the present work. 
Flat and tangent screens
The Flat Screen (FS) is a special PTVR object used to reproduce flat 2D screens that are ubiquitous in real life (e.g. pages of a book, and whiteboards in classrooms) and in experimental setups (flat CRT or LCD monitors, etc.). 
An example of FS is shown in Figure 12. In this example, the FS position is x = 0, y = 0, and z = 1 and its orientation is −33 degrees about the X axis (wrt the default vertical orientation) of the FS. 
Figure 12.
Flat screen (FS) versus tangent screen (TS). Note that the yellow sphere is displayed only to clarify explanations. (A) Example of an FS. Here, the position of the FS is x = 0, y = 0, and z = 1 and its orientation is −33 degrees (see text). The screen center is called the screen origin because it is the origin of the CS of the screen (axes = FS's X, FS's Y, and FS's Z). (B) Example of a TS. The TS's position is set by the user to be the same as the FS position in Figure 12A (x = 0, y = 0, z = 1). After the position is set, the TS's orientation is automatically calculated so that it is tangent to the yellow sphere at SO.
Figure 12.
Flat screen (FS) versus tangent screen (TS). Note that the yellow sphere is displayed only to clarify explanations. (A) Example of an FS. Here, the position of the FS is x = 0, y = 0, and z = 1 and its orientation is −33 degrees (see text). The screen center is called the screen origin because it is the origin of the CS of the screen (axes = FS's X, FS's Y, and FS's Z). (B) Example of a TS. The TS's position is set by the user to be the same as the FS position in Figure 12A (x = 0, y = 0, z = 1). After the position is set, the TS's orientation is automatically calculated so that it is tangent to the yellow sphere at SO.
It is possible to place any visual object (including text) on an FS by specifying the object's cartesian coordinates defined within the CS of the FS (see the section “The coordinate system of an object”). These coordinates are the cartesian coordinates specified with respect to the FS's center, the latter being called the Screen Origin (SO). The axes of this FS's CS are represented in Figure 12A by the vectors FS's X, FS's Y, and FS's Z. 
Note that an FS can have any rotation. This is in marked contrast to the Tangent Screen (TS), as explained in more detail below. 
The TS is another special PTVR object inherited from the FS. The TS, along with its specific functions, allows users to easily create 3D displays that are mathematically complex in terms of 3D programming for a standard user. It would be possible to create the same displays in a PTVR script with the FS but this would imply high-level knowledge in 3D mathematics and programming as well as a much longer code and development time. 
Compared to the FS, the TS has two main additional features. 
Additional feature #1: A TS is automatically tangent to a notional sphere centered on the origin of the current CS (see Figure 12B), with the point of tangency defined as the center of the TS (i.e. SO). 
It is also possible to change the position of a TS right after its creation. For instance, it is possible to modify the eccentricity and half-meridian of the TS shown in Figure 12B while keeping its radial distance constant. This is represented by two examples in Figure 13 (note that this figure is a bird's eye view as seen from a notional point lying on the +Y axis of the CS). In the first example, the new TS position is represented by the light purple segment. The TS appears as a segment on this figure as the TS is placed on the horizontal meridian (more precisely, 180 degrees on the leftward horizontal half-meridian). Figure 13 also shows another TS (dark purple) whose eccentricity and half-meridian are, respectively, 25 degrees and 0 degrees. 
Figure 13.
Two tangent screens (TS) in bird's eye view as seen from a notional point lying on the +Y axis of the global CS. The position of a TS is defined by the position of its center. Here, the position of the light purple TS is specified in perimetric coordinates by the triplet (eccentricity = 45 degrees, half-meridian = 180 degrees, and viewing distance = 80 cm), and the position of the dark purple TS is specified in perimetric coordinates by the triplet (eccentricity = 25 degrees, half-meridian = 0 degrees, and viewing distance = 80 cm). These two TS are tangent to a notional sphere centered on the origin of the current CS (by definition) with a radius of 80 cm.
Figure 13.
Two tangent screens (TS) in bird's eye view as seen from a notional point lying on the +Y axis of the global CS. The position of a TS is defined by the position of its center. Here, the position of the light purple TS is specified in perimetric coordinates by the triplet (eccentricity = 45 degrees, half-meridian = 180 degrees, and viewing distance = 80 cm), and the position of the dark purple TS is specified in perimetric coordinates by the triplet (eccentricity = 25 degrees, half-meridian = 0 degrees, and viewing distance = 80 cm). These two TS are tangent to a notional sphere centered on the origin of the current CS (by definition) with a radius of 80 cm.
The main point of Figure 13 is to make it clear that simply specifying the position of a TS in PTVR automatically adjusts its orientation to induce tangency. 
Additional feature #2: A highly convenient feature of TSs, not shared with FSs, is that it is possible to place objects on them thanks to a 2D perimetric CS in addition to the 2D cartesian CS already mentioned above for FSs. This is achieved with a user-friendly method applied to the previously created TS object (see PTVR demo scripts). This 2D perimetric CS is illustrated in Figure 14A. This is a front view as seen from the origin of the current CS. 
Figure 14.
The perimetric CS used to place objects on a TS. (A) The perimetric CS on a TS as seen from the Origin of the current CS. Ecc and HM, respectively, stand for eccentricity and half-meridian. (B) Example of a small sphere P with a 25 degrees eccentricity on a TS. Eccentricity of any point on a TS is the angle subtended at the Origin of the current CS by the segment from the point to the Screen Origin (S0). Here, the eccentricity of sphere P is 25 degrees and its half-meridian is 90 degrees. The TS viewing distance is the distance between the Origin of the current CS and the Screen Origin (SO). Note that the TS, along with the circles lying on it, are represented in (B) with an isometric perspective.
Figure 14.
The perimetric CS used to place objects on a TS. (A) The perimetric CS on a TS as seen from the Origin of the current CS. Ecc and HM, respectively, stand for eccentricity and half-meridian. (B) Example of a small sphere P with a 25 degrees eccentricity on a TS. Eccentricity of any point on a TS is the angle subtended at the Origin of the current CS by the segment from the point to the Screen Origin (S0). Here, the eccentricity of sphere P is 25 degrees and its half-meridian is 90 degrees. The TS viewing distance is the distance between the Origin of the current CS and the Screen Origin (SO). Note that the TS, along with the circles lying on it, are represented in (B) with an isometric perspective.
This feature offers a convenient way of placing an object on a TS so that this object will have accurate angular positions (eccentricity and half-meridian) when the subject's cyclopean eye is located at the origin of the current CS (the latter being the CS used to draw the TS). 
In sum, a TS can be easily placed at any location in the 3D world without the need for 3D trigonometric knowledge (see Figure 13). Once a TS is created, placing a subject's eye at the CS's origin will simulate the famous experimental condition used for decades in which a real screen is perpendicular to a subject's line of sight (see Figure 14). Then, PTVR users can conveniently use a perimetric CS to place stimuli on the TS (irrespective of the TS's position in the VR world) without any mathematical difficulty. The PTVR TS can thus be useful to create complex experiments with many different scientific purposes. For instance, it can be used to simulate previous experiments run on flat monitors (the goal being to check whether results can be reproduced), or to create new experiments that need several TSs placed at different locations. Additionally, the PTVR TS comes with associated functions that make it easy to place text on the TS with a stringent control of text angular size whatever the font (see the next section). This offers a great potential for studying reading processes, a huge field of research in neuroscience, psychophysics, psychology, and education. Beyond the investigation of standard reading (i.e. on flat surfaces), the need for studying reading in new digital media is growing as new ways of displaying text appear. It seems important for instance to investigate whether reading performance is better or worse on curved screens, the latter being more and more used in VR worlds without any justification. More generally, the integration of PTVR TSs within VR will be convenient to scientifically compare the performance displayed in 2D vs 3D environments across different fields of vision neuroscience. The utility of the PTVR TS is also clear when it comes to programming tests that have been standardized on flat surfaces. For instance, we present in the “Use Cases” section a PTVR version of the famous MNRead reading test. 
Finally, note that all the functions available to place objects on the PTVR screen objects (flat and tangent) are detailed in a “position” cheat sheet that can be found in the PTVR documentation (for a quick search, type “cheat” in the documentation's search bar). 
Displaying text
The Text object in PTVR has some special features that are especially useful in relation to tests of reading. Its most essential and convenient feature concerns characters’ size. It is very important in several fields of vision science to specify the angular size of the characters of a text. It is clearly crucial in fields such as the psychophysics of low vision (Chung, Legge, Pelli, & Yu, 2019; Legge, 2007). Using the angular height of the lower-case “x” letter to specify the angular size of a given font has become a well-established standard in this field as well as in standard tests of reading (Legge & Bigelow, 2011) - see in the section “Use cases” how we adapted the famous MNRead test (Ahn, Legge, & Luebker, 1995) to VR. 
More generally, this is an important constraint in many fields bearing on reading, legibility, ophthalmology, amblyopia, dyslexia, etc. (Goswami, 2015; Levi, Song, & Pelli, 2007; Levi & Carney, 2009; Pelli & Tillman, 2008). A very concrete example is the necessity to equate the angular size of different fonts that are experimentally compared in terms of their efficiency – as measured, for instance, with reading speed (Bernard, Aguilar, & Castet, 2016). 
Specifying the angular “x-height” of a text is very easy in PTVR. It is done by passing the “x-height” value (in degrees of visual angle) as an argument when creating a text object as shown in the following line of code: 
my_text = PTVR.Stimuli.Objects.Text(., visual_angle_of_centered_x_height = 0.4,..). 
This specification has a very accurate meaning: the angular “x-height” (here, 0.4 degrees of visual angle) is an angle calculated from the origin of the current CS (i.e., the CS in use just before my_text is created). 
Incidentally, this “x-height” specification feature turns out to be convenient when creating didactic PTVR scripts where the viewing subject stays grossly at the same position. In this case, specifying say a 1 degree text will make all labels appear equally legible whatever their positions in the 3D world. 
Pointing at a target
As already emphasized, a very useful feature of Virtual Reality for behavioral vision sciences is the possibility of using different kinds of interactivity between a subject and the entities contained in the virtual world. In the context of our low vision project, we were particularly interested by the ability of a subject to select a target with different kinds of techniques. Although the ability to select targets with different kinds of controllers has been heavily investigated in the VR literature with normally sighted persons (Fernandes, Murdison, & Proulx, 2023; Yu et al., 2018), it seems that this topic has been overlooked with low vision persons. 
We were especially interested in pointing techniques, that is, the techniques that allow users to select objects that are beyond reach (Bowman & Hodges, 1997; Yu et al., 2018). We have therefore implemented in PTVR two ways of pointing at a target either with the hand controllers or with the head. Some of these developments are very specific to our low vision investigations and will not be presented here. Here, we only present the general PTVR pointing features that might be helpful for the general PTVR user. 
Pointing with a hand-controller
The first implemented pointing technique allows a user to point at a target by casting a ray that emanates from the hand-controller (Argelaguet & Andujar, 2013). When this ray intersects an object, selection can be achieved by pressing the trigger of the hand-controller. Head-based ray-casting techniques have also been developed and tested with normally sighted persons and might be easily implemented in PTVR (Kytö, Ens, Piumsomboon, Lee, & Billinghurst, 2018; Qian & Teather, 2017). 
Pointing with a head-contingent reticle
The second pointing technique currently implemented is derived from the “aperture” method (Forsberg, Herndon, & Zeleznik, 1996) and is called the “reticle” technique in PTVR. The general principles of the reticle technique are summarized below. 
In the real world, a reticle is a set of lines, often a crosshair, placed into the eyepiece of an optical device such as a telescopic sight or a spotting scope. It is used as a visual aiming aid. The typical reticle used in PTVR is a 2D object, as shown in Figure 15A. This kind of pointing is very efficient and useful, for instance, in visual search tasks (see the section “Use cases”). 
Figure 15.
Definition of the head-contingent reticle. (A) Front view of the 2D reticle: the reticle is a 2D object similar to a crosshair. The inner circle (dashed line) is not visible when the reticle is displayed in the virtual world: it is specified by the angular size of its diameter and defines the activation or acquisition zone of the pointer. When the subject points at a target, the target's center must be within this activation circle to induce valid pointing. (B) Perspective view of the 3D pointing cone. The activation volume corresponding to the activation circle shown in Figure 15A is represented by dashed lines. In this case, the target's center (here, a grey cylinder) is within the activation zone: activation is therefore valid. Here, the angular diameter of the activation circle is 4 degrees.
Figure 15.
Definition of the head-contingent reticle. (A) Front view of the 2D reticle: the reticle is a 2D object similar to a crosshair. The inner circle (dashed line) is not visible when the reticle is displayed in the virtual world: it is specified by the angular size of its diameter and defines the activation or acquisition zone of the pointer. When the subject points at a target, the target's center must be within this activation circle to induce valid pointing. (B) Perspective view of the 3D pointing cone. The activation volume corresponding to the activation circle shown in Figure 15A is represented by dashed lines. In this case, the target's center (here, a grey cylinder) is within the activation zone: activation is therefore valid. Here, the angular diameter of the activation circle is 4 degrees.
The reticle is always placed on an invisible TS lying on an invisible sphere whose center is the tracked headset. This is illustrated in Figure 16 in a bird's eye view. This figure also shows that the reticle is head-contingent: the head is straight away in Figure 16A and to the right in Figure 16B. Movements of the head thus allow the user to align the reticle with a distant object. 
Figure 16.
A head-contingent reticle in bird's eye view is represented by a black segment for two different head orientations. The reticle is a 2D object (see Figure 15A) always placed on an invisible TS lying on an invisible sphere centered on the headset. Note that the activation circle is not shown in this figure. Here, the reticle is placed at a distance of 80 cm from the pointer and has an angular diameter of 20 degrees. (A) The head is pointing straight ahead (i.e. eccentricity is 0 degrees). (B) The head is pointing in the rightward direction (eccentricity of 30 degrees and half-meridian of 0 degrees).
Figure 16.
A head-contingent reticle in bird's eye view is represented by a black segment for two different head orientations. The reticle is a 2D object (see Figure 15A) always placed on an invisible TS lying on an invisible sphere centered on the headset. Note that the activation circle is not shown in this figure. Here, the reticle is placed at a distance of 80 cm from the pointer and has an angular diameter of 20 degrees. (A) The head is pointing straight ahead (i.e. eccentricity is 0 degrees). (B) The head is pointing in the rightward direction (eccentricity of 30 degrees and half-meridian of 0 degrees).
A valid pointing is illustrated in Figure 15B where the activation conic volume is represented by dashed lines. Here, pointing is considered valid as the target object (here a grey cylinder) has its center within the activation volume. In this case, some feedback (visual or audio) occurs to warn the user that the target object can now be selected, for example, by pressing a trigger. The difficulty of the pointing task can be varied by modifying the angular size of the activation circle (see Figure 15A). 
Such a head-contingent reticle is currently used in the first author's laboratory to investigate the pointing performance of low vision persons (see the section “Use cases”). 
Use cases
To illustrate the PTVR capability with more concrete examples, we present in this section several experiments that have already been developed, two of which are directly related to our research in the field of low vision. These examples show how the features presented in this paper can be used to build complex or famous experiments. The interested reader will find some associated videos and PTVR scripts on the PTVR website. 
Visual search
This example script illustrates the importance of PTVR pointing techniques. Visual search is a very well-known research topic. It has been extensively investigated in 2D and the number of investigations of this topic in more realistic 3D environments is growing (Beitner, Helbing, Draschkow, & Võ, 2021). The visual search in the PTVR script illustrates how simple it is to create such an experiment. It also illustrates the benefits brought about by PTVR pointing techniques to help subjects give their responses in paradigms for which using the keyboard or buttons is not optimal. We revisited the 3D visual search PTVR script introduced by Mathur et al. (2018). In this experiment, the subject must find and select a target (here, a red cube) among distractors (red and green spheres as well as green cubes) placed around the subject in perimetric coordinates. The user is free to look around and can use the hand controller equipped with a “laser pointer” to point at the target and press the trigger when the target is pointed at. Note that no formal study has been conducted so far with this experiment. 
Pointing task with a head-contingent reticle
This example script again illustrates the importance of PTVR pointing techniques but in a more complex experimental design. This use case aims at investigating how well low-vision patients perform a pointing task compared to normally sighted controls. Our overall motivation behind this specific task is to develop innovative visual aids and methods of low vision rehabilitation (Aguilar & Castet, 2017; Calabrèse et al., 2018; Legge & Chung, 2016), all based on the assets of VR (work supported by the ANR DEVISE project: https://anr.fr/Project-ANR-20-CE19-0018). In this experiment, low vision persons have to move their head to point with a head-contingent reticle at a static target dot in the virtual environment, whereas the difficulty of the task is varied by controlling the activation size of the pointing reticle (see Figure 15). This is an ongoing study which has led to some preliminary results (Myrodia et al., 2023). 
The MNREAD test
This example script illustrates the PTVR capability to display text at an accurately controlled angular size thanks to the well-known x-height measure (Legge & Bigelow, 2011). Among extant reading tests, the MNREAD test (Mansfield, Ahn, Legge, & Luebker, 1993) is probably one of the most widely used standardized reading tests whether in clinical or in research contexts. Although the well-established standard test is a printed version, a tablet version (iPad) has recently been developed and validated to facilitate the distribution and use of the test (Calabrèse et al., 2018). The example script is a VR version using the original MNREAD sentences in English. The raw data of reading performance (reading speed and errors for each sentence) is displayed in an operator interface and saved in an output file, thus allowing further analysis to extract several indicators of reading performance (Baskaran et al., 2019). Performing the MNREAD test in VR has four main advantages. (1) This technology allows us to display huge angular print sizes, without being limited by a physical screen's size thanks to the 360-degree immersion. (2) It enables us to have absolute control over the experimental conditions, such as the luminance of the real environment. (3) One can envision new behavioral studies thanks to eye-tracking recording during the test (Calabrèse, Bernard, Faure, Hoffart, & Castet, 2016). Our hope is that this key reading test will be easily used anywhere by many researchers in reading. In sum, easily performing this standardized test in a well-controlled VR environment should help produce a large amount of reproducible data from multiple sites. 
The PTVR is a free and open-source software allowing users to easily build a VR experiment (based on Unity as a backend). The user writes a Python script using PTVR functions and objects/classes whose explicit names make programming intuitive. Then, launching the script will run the experiment (with Unity running behind the scene) and eventually save relevant results (note that the user does not need any Unity knowledge and that Unity is not even installed on the user's PC). 
This scripting philosophy can overcome several problems induced by the “game engines complexity” (see the section “Introduction”). In short, a PTVR experiment can be quickly and integrally reproduced by anyone possessing the required equipment (which have become relatively cheap in the last years). Beyond this huge asset, a PTVR script also makes an experiment's code more transparent and reusable when compared with the game engine's programming philosophy. This in line with the FAIR for Research Software (“FAIR4RS”) principles (Benureau & Rougier, 2018; Chue Hong et al., 2022; Lamprecht et al., 2020). These principles are of outmost importance to improve reproducibility of science (Munafò et al., 2017), but also when researchers want to interact with each other to accurately understand the methods of a VR experiment, or when they interact with engineers to improve an experiment's code. A single script is also a great didactic tool to teach students about the principles of building an experiment by giving them an optimal hands-on experience. All these advantages of a script are especially clear as PTVR uses a high-level language whose syntax and terminology are meant to be easily understood and memorized. 
We know of two recent open-source developments that allow researchers to write scripts to build a VR experiment. The first one is integrated within the Psychophysics Toolbox version 3 – PTB-3 (Brainard, 1997). The second one is a set of Python extension libraries for interacting with eXtended Reality displays (PsychXR - http://psychxr.org/). PsychXR is used for HMD support by the PsychoPy package (Peirce et al., 2019). It seems that the main difference between these two developments and PTVR relies on their respective backends. PTVR uses the Unity game engine as a backend (without the user noticing it), whereas these two packages are developed at a lower programming level (using OpenGL for instance). These two different development strategies will have their respective advantages and drawbacks. On the one hand, using Unity as a backend implies that very powerful VR and XR features are already developed in this engine and can thus be relatively quickly “incorporated” into PTVR. In contrast, it will be much more complex to develop those same features “from scratch” in PTB-3 and in PsychXR. On the other hand, the lower-level developments (based on OpenGL) of PTB-3 and PsychXR might provide more control on low-level aspects of the stimuli (e.g. temporal accuracy), whereas PTVR will be dependent on the Unity code which might not have the same level of control. Apart from these obvious comparisons, we feel that PTVR and these two developments (PTB-3 and PsychXR) are too recent to allow us to make an interesting and well-grounded comparison between their characteristics. More importantly, we believe that future research might show that PTVR and these two packages have their own respective merits and will be used by different categories of users having complementary purposes. 
The present work is focused on the methodological aspects of PTVR. Therefore, the main features of PTVR, as well as the benefits they potentially bring about for vision science, have been presented in some details. Other important features of PTVR have not been presented here but they can be discovered in the documentation of the PTVR website, or in the demo scripts provided within PTVR. For instance, it is possible to choose between binocular and monocular viewing, to create 2D objects (called “sprites” in Unity), or to play audio files. 
A recent important development is the ability to use 3D complex or realistic objects (e.g. animals or characters) that have been created by VR designers and can be easily integrated within PTVR experiments. These 3D stimuli are often called “assets” in the VR community and can be bought or obtained for free. This is very convenient as it removes the burden of creating ex nihilo many 3D entities ranging from simple ones like furniture to very complex ones, such as entire cities. In Unity, several assets can be integrated within an “asset bundle” to allow efficient importing / exporting of a large number of assets (even with large file sizes). Similarly, it is possible in a PTVR script to import an asset bundle with a user-friendly syntax so that the assets contained in the asset bundle become available as objects in the PTVR experiment. At the time of writing, a demo script in PTVR shows how to create a rabbit in a room with a few lines of code. This demo also shows how this initially static rabbit starts moving when it is pointed at by a hand-controller. This functionality which allows users to easily integrate assets in an experiment will be eventually used in our laboratory to create lively serious games employed for rehabilitation of low vision patients. 
In addition, some key PTVR features are still in development or planned. The priority development aims at helping users build experimental designs based on standard psychophysical procedures ranging from standard ones (e.g. method of constant stimuli) to more sophisticated ones such as adaptive procedures (e.g. staircases). Another set of features to be developed concerns the use of the specific CSs (e.g. the Harms CS) used in the fields of binocular vision and binocular eye movements (Howard & Rogers, 2008). These CSs are usually difficult to understand and manipulate when they are taught with 2D visual material, which is why some researchers designed different kinds of “ophthalmotropes” (Schreiber & Schor, 2007). These novel PTVR tools, including some form of “ophthalmotropes,” might therefore help teach these notoriously complex CSs to students. In this case, PTVR “experiments” might actually be used as pedagogical aids (Schloss et al., 2021). 
To sum up, we hope that PTVR will be a useful toolbox allowing vision scientists and experimental psychologists to easily build VR experiments while sharing/testing/improving the associated transparent codes. These PTVR “experiments” might correspond to real experiments performed by scientists or to pedagogical aids run by lecturers. 
The authors thank Hui-Yin Wu for helpful discussions on methodological issues. 
The development of PTVR was supported by grants from the Carnot Cognition Institute, the NeuroMarseille Institute and the ANR (20-CE19-0018). 
Commercial relationships: none. 
Corresponding author: Eric Castet. 
Address: Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, CRPN (UMR 7077), Site ST CHARLES - 3 Place Victor Hugo - 13003 Marseille, France. 
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Figure 1.
Overview of the PTVR architecture. The PTVR toolbox (highlighted in light blue) contains a PTVR Python Library allowing users to write their experiments in a PTVR script (in Python). Running this script generates a JSON file which can then be deserialized thanks to the PTVR.exe executable in order to run the experiment and produce an output file. This executable integrates features described in the PTVR Unity library, which itself implements in Unity the features available in the PTVR Python library.
Figure 1.
Overview of the PTVR architecture. The PTVR toolbox (highlighted in light blue) contains a PTVR Python Library allowing users to write their experiments in a PTVR script (in Python). Running this script generates a JSON file which can then be deserialized thanks to the PTVR.exe executable in order to run the experiment and produce an output file. This executable integrates features described in the PTVR Unity library, which itself implements in Unity the features available in the PTVR Python library.
Figure 2.
Flowchart of the steps followed by the first type of PTVR users (“researchers”). These users write a PTVR script describing their experiment by using the PTVR Python library. When they execute the script, the experiment is launched and it produces the output file. Internally, a JSON file is created and interpreted by the PTVR.exe executable.
Figure 2.
Flowchart of the steps followed by the first type of PTVR users (“researchers”). These users write a PTVR script describing their experiment by using the PTVR Python library. When they execute the script, the experiment is launched and it produces the output file. Internally, a JSON file is created and interpreted by the PTVR.exe executable.
Figure 3.
Flowchart of the steps followed by the second type of PTVR users (“operators”). These users simply need to run PTVR.exe and select the JSON file of the experiment they want to run. In this case, PTVR.exe is the only element they need from the PTVR Toolbox.
Figure 3.
Flowchart of the steps followed by the second type of PTVR users (“operators”). These users simply need to run PTVR.exe and select the JSON file of the experiment they want to run. In this case, PTVR.exe is the only element they need from the PTVR Toolbox.
Figure 4.
Running a script in PTVR will display either a single scene or a sequence of scenes. Here, two scenes, each containing two objects, are displayed successively.
Figure 4.
Running a script in PTVR will display either a single scene or a sequence of scenes. Here, two scenes, each containing two objects, are displayed successively.
Code Snippet 1.
Demo script reproducing the 3D display of an experiment by He and Nakayama (1995). This script creates the stimulus configuration used in the first experiment of their investigation, an influential work on visual search processes utilizing 3D stimuli (see Figure 5 for a schematic view of this 3D display).
Code Snippet 1.
Demo script reproducing the 3D display of an experiment by He and Nakayama (1995). This script creates the stimulus configuration used in the first experiment of their investigation, an influential work on visual search processes utilizing 3D stimuli (see Figure 5 for a schematic view of this 3D display).
Code Snippet 2.
Interactivity during an experiment. This demo successively presents two scenes. Each scene contains a single interaction. These two interactions respectively correspond to those of Scenes 1 and 2 in the Table 1.
Code Snippet 2.
Interactivity during an experiment. This demo successively presents two scenes. Each scene contains a single interaction. These two interactions respectively correspond to those of Scenes 1 and 2 in the Table 1.
Figure 5.
Schematic illustration of the 3D stimulus configuration used in experiment 1 of He and Nakayama (1995). This configuration is created by the PTVR script shown in Code Snippet 1. Three vertical arrays of 12 rectangles are displayed at three different depths on three notional planes. These three planes are represented here by three vertical semitransparent surfaces that were actually invisible in the real experiment.
Figure 5.
Schematic illustration of the 3D stimulus configuration used in experiment 1 of He and Nakayama (1995). This configuration is created by the PTVR script shown in Code Snippet 1. Three vertical arrays of 12 rectangles are displayed at three different depths on three notional planes. These three planes are represented here by three vertical semitransparent surfaces that were actually invisible in the real experiment.
Figure 6.
Main output file automatically saved after running the script shown in Code Snippet 2. Each line corresponds to an interaction – that is, an event coupled with a callback (a few columns are ignored for visual clarity).
Figure 6.
Main output file automatically saved after running the script shown in Code Snippet 2. Each line corresponds to an interaction – that is, an event coupled with a callback (a few columns are ignored for visual clarity).
Figure 7.
Canonical representation of the global coordinate system (CS) used by PTVR (and by Unity). Axes’ units are in meters. Og stands for “Origin of the global CS.” The silhouette represents a subject, here seated, who has performed the calibration of the VR system (see text). With the orientation of the subject shown here, it is commonly said in the VR terminology that the global positive X, Y, and Z axes, respectively, correspond to the “rightward,” “upward,” and “forward” directions. Note the headset at the level of his/her eyes.
Figure 7.
Canonical representation of the global coordinate system (CS) used by PTVR (and by Unity). Axes’ units are in meters. Og stands for “Origin of the global CS.” The silhouette represents a subject, here seated, who has performed the calibration of the VR system (see text). With the orientation of the subject shown here, it is commonly said in the VR terminology that the global positive X, Y, and Z axes, respectively, correspond to the “rightward,” “upward,” and “forward” directions. Note the headset at the level of his/her eyes.
Figure 8.
Coordinate transformations. (A) The local CS in the upper part of the figure is the result of a vertical translation applied to the global CS (this case is often called a shift of Origin). Ol stands for “Origin of the local CS.” (B) Illustration of how to use the “current CS” concept to place objects whose positions are specified in different CSs (see text). The locations of the sphere and of the cylinder are, respectively, specified in the global and in the local CSs with the same triplet of coordinates (0, 0, 1). The blue and yellow surfaces, respectively, represent the local and the global XZ planes.
Figure 8.
Coordinate transformations. (A) The local CS in the upper part of the figure is the result of a vertical translation applied to the global CS (this case is often called a shift of Origin). Ol stands for “Origin of the local CS.” (B) Illustration of how to use the “current CS” concept to place objects whose positions are specified in different CSs (see text). The locations of the sphere and of the cylinder are, respectively, specified in the global and in the local CSs with the same triplet of coordinates (0, 0, 1). The blue and yellow surfaces, respectively, represent the local and the global XZ planes.
Figure 9.
Example of a perimetric CS superimposed with a cartesian CS. The perimetric coordinates of point P are: half-meridian = 135 degrees, eccentricity = 20 degrees, and radial distance = 1 m. See animations of this CS (and others) on the PTVR web site.
Figure 9.
Example of a perimetric CS superimposed with a cartesian CS. The perimetric coordinates of point P are: half-meridian = 135 degrees, eccentricity = 20 degrees, and radial distance = 1 m. See animations of this CS (and others) on the PTVR web site.
Figure 10.
Simple example to easily visualize the link between cartesian and perimetric coordinates. The cartesian coordinates of point P are x = 0, y = 1, and z = 1 so that its perimetric coordinates are (half-meridian = 90 degrees, eccentricity = 45 degrees, and radial distance = √2 meters) – ecc stands for eccentricity. The radial distance of point P is √(1+1) – that is, 1.414 - as the Y and Z coordinates of P are 1.
Figure 10.
Simple example to easily visualize the link between cartesian and perimetric coordinates. The cartesian coordinates of point P are x = 0, y = 1, and z = 1 so that its perimetric coordinates are (half-meridian = 90 degrees, eccentricity = 45 degrees, and radial distance = √2 meters) – ecc stands for eccentricity. The radial distance of point P is √(1+1) – that is, 1.414 - as the Y and Z coordinates of P are 1.
Figure 11.
The CS of an object. (A) Here, the object is a 2D green arrow created with its default orientation. The CS of the arrow has its origin at the arrow's position (orange dot) and its three axes are indicated by the “object's X,” “object's Y,” and “object's Z” vectors. (B) The green arrow has the same position as in Figure 11A but a different orientation which induces a concomitant orientation change of the arrow's CS.
Figure 11.
The CS of an object. (A) Here, the object is a 2D green arrow created with its default orientation. The CS of the arrow has its origin at the arrow's position (orange dot) and its three axes are indicated by the “object's X,” “object's Y,” and “object's Z” vectors. (B) The green arrow has the same position as in Figure 11A but a different orientation which induces a concomitant orientation change of the arrow's CS.
Figure 12.
Flat screen (FS) versus tangent screen (TS). Note that the yellow sphere is displayed only to clarify explanations. (A) Example of an FS. Here, the position of the FS is x = 0, y = 0, and z = 1 and its orientation is −33 degrees (see text). The screen center is called the screen origin because it is the origin of the CS of the screen (axes = FS's X, FS's Y, and FS's Z). (B) Example of a TS. The TS's position is set by the user to be the same as the FS position in Figure 12A (x = 0, y = 0, z = 1). After the position is set, the TS's orientation is automatically calculated so that it is tangent to the yellow sphere at SO.
Figure 12.
Flat screen (FS) versus tangent screen (TS). Note that the yellow sphere is displayed only to clarify explanations. (A) Example of an FS. Here, the position of the FS is x = 0, y = 0, and z = 1 and its orientation is −33 degrees (see text). The screen center is called the screen origin because it is the origin of the CS of the screen (axes = FS's X, FS's Y, and FS's Z). (B) Example of a TS. The TS's position is set by the user to be the same as the FS position in Figure 12A (x = 0, y = 0, z = 1). After the position is set, the TS's orientation is automatically calculated so that it is tangent to the yellow sphere at SO.
Figure 13.
Two tangent screens (TS) in bird's eye view as seen from a notional point lying on the +Y axis of the global CS. The position of a TS is defined by the position of its center. Here, the position of the light purple TS is specified in perimetric coordinates by the triplet (eccentricity = 45 degrees, half-meridian = 180 degrees, and viewing distance = 80 cm), and the position of the dark purple TS is specified in perimetric coordinates by the triplet (eccentricity = 25 degrees, half-meridian = 0 degrees, and viewing distance = 80 cm). These two TS are tangent to a notional sphere centered on the origin of the current CS (by definition) with a radius of 80 cm.
Figure 13.
Two tangent screens (TS) in bird's eye view as seen from a notional point lying on the +Y axis of the global CS. The position of a TS is defined by the position of its center. Here, the position of the light purple TS is specified in perimetric coordinates by the triplet (eccentricity = 45 degrees, half-meridian = 180 degrees, and viewing distance = 80 cm), and the position of the dark purple TS is specified in perimetric coordinates by the triplet (eccentricity = 25 degrees, half-meridian = 0 degrees, and viewing distance = 80 cm). These two TS are tangent to a notional sphere centered on the origin of the current CS (by definition) with a radius of 80 cm.
Figure 14.
The perimetric CS used to place objects on a TS. (A) The perimetric CS on a TS as seen from the Origin of the current CS. Ecc and HM, respectively, stand for eccentricity and half-meridian. (B) Example of a small sphere P with a 25 degrees eccentricity on a TS. Eccentricity of any point on a TS is the angle subtended at the Origin of the current CS by the segment from the point to the Screen Origin (S0). Here, the eccentricity of sphere P is 25 degrees and its half-meridian is 90 degrees. The TS viewing distance is the distance between the Origin of the current CS and the Screen Origin (SO). Note that the TS, along with the circles lying on it, are represented in (B) with an isometric perspective.
Figure 14.
The perimetric CS used to place objects on a TS. (A) The perimetric CS on a TS as seen from the Origin of the current CS. Ecc and HM, respectively, stand for eccentricity and half-meridian. (B) Example of a small sphere P with a 25 degrees eccentricity on a TS. Eccentricity of any point on a TS is the angle subtended at the Origin of the current CS by the segment from the point to the Screen Origin (S0). Here, the eccentricity of sphere P is 25 degrees and its half-meridian is 90 degrees. The TS viewing distance is the distance between the Origin of the current CS and the Screen Origin (SO). Note that the TS, along with the circles lying on it, are represented in (B) with an isometric perspective.
Figure 15.
Definition of the head-contingent reticle. (A) Front view of the 2D reticle: the reticle is a 2D object similar to a crosshair. The inner circle (dashed line) is not visible when the reticle is displayed in the virtual world: it is specified by the angular size of its diameter and defines the activation or acquisition zone of the pointer. When the subject points at a target, the target's center must be within this activation circle to induce valid pointing. (B) Perspective view of the 3D pointing cone. The activation volume corresponding to the activation circle shown in Figure 15A is represented by dashed lines. In this case, the target's center (here, a grey cylinder) is within the activation zone: activation is therefore valid. Here, the angular diameter of the activation circle is 4 degrees.
Figure 15.
Definition of the head-contingent reticle. (A) Front view of the 2D reticle: the reticle is a 2D object similar to a crosshair. The inner circle (dashed line) is not visible when the reticle is displayed in the virtual world: it is specified by the angular size of its diameter and defines the activation or acquisition zone of the pointer. When the subject points at a target, the target's center must be within this activation circle to induce valid pointing. (B) Perspective view of the 3D pointing cone. The activation volume corresponding to the activation circle shown in Figure 15A is represented by dashed lines. In this case, the target's center (here, a grey cylinder) is within the activation zone: activation is therefore valid. Here, the angular diameter of the activation circle is 4 degrees.
Figure 16.
A head-contingent reticle in bird's eye view is represented by a black segment for two different head orientations. The reticle is a 2D object (see Figure 15A) always placed on an invisible TS lying on an invisible sphere centered on the headset. Note that the activation circle is not shown in this figure. Here, the reticle is placed at a distance of 80 cm from the pointer and has an angular diameter of 20 degrees. (A) The head is pointing straight ahead (i.e. eccentricity is 0 degrees). (B) The head is pointing in the rightward direction (eccentricity of 30 degrees and half-meridian of 0 degrees).
Figure 16.
A head-contingent reticle in bird's eye view is represented by a black segment for two different head orientations. The reticle is a 2D object (see Figure 15A) always placed on an invisible TS lying on an invisible sphere centered on the headset. Note that the activation circle is not shown in this figure. Here, the reticle is placed at a distance of 80 cm from the pointer and has an angular diameter of 20 degrees. (A) The head is pointing straight ahead (i.e. eccentricity is 0 degrees). (B) The head is pointing in the rightward direction (eccentricity of 30 degrees and half-meridian of 0 degrees).
Table 1.
Illustration of scene-specific interactivity with an example where each of three successive scenes has a different interactivity.
Table 1.
Illustration of scene-specific interactivity with an example where each of three successive scenes has a different interactivity.

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