Analyzing the eye movements, we first confirmed that a presented stimulus in a cell influenced the scan-path as we found that the entropy of gaze transitions was higher when a cell contained a shape rather than being empty (t
39 = 6.48,
p < 0.001, Cohen's
d = 0.66, BF = 1.327e + 05,
Supplementary Material S7). To investigate the effect of the learned underlying structure on eye movements, we analyzed whether the exploratory and confirmatory gaze transitions were influenced by the pair structure during training through the slope of regression (β) fitted to the proportion of exploratory and confirmatory looks across trials. The proportion of both types of gaze transitions following the pair structures was steadily increasing over the trials (Exploratory: β = 0.0245,
p < 0.001,
Figure 2A; Confirmatory: β = 0.0301,
p = 0.026,
Figure 2B). Furthermore, both measures significantly correlated with the performance on the final familiarity test (Exploratory:
r38 = 0.39,
p = 0.013, BF = 3.947; Confirmatory
r38 = 0.70,
p < 0.001, BF = 41040). No such correlation was found between test performance and the extent to which the scenes were explored as indicated by the number of cells visited on each trial (
r38 = 0.001,
p = 0.994, BF = 0.197). This confirms that the influence of learning was specific to the spatial structure of the eye movements and not linked to some generic (e.g., attentional) changes across the experiment. Moreover, these correlations increased across the four quarters of the trials as the experiment progressed (
Figure 3). Importantly, in the first half of the experiment, confirmatory gaze was significantly more predictive of test performance than exploratory gaze (Trials
t35 = 4.43,
p < 0.001,
BF = 275.1; Trials
t35 = 4.21,
p < 0.001,
BF = 153.1). This difference disappeared during the second half of the experiment in the last two quarters, where the learning could be predicted to a similar extent from the exploratory and confirmatory gaze selections (Trials
t35 = 2.03,
p = 0.05,
BF = 1.117; Trials
109-144: t
35 = 0.19,
p = 0.854,
BF = 0.182).