We present a pared-down example illustrating the operation of TORONTO as restricted to three locations in the nasal near-peripheral portion of the 24-2 visual field pattern: 18 (−27°, +3°), 19 (−21°, +3°), and 20 (−15°, +3°). A tolerance of σ
term = 2.5 dB was chosen for rapid termination. TORONTO requires a reference data set
T, which is illustrated in
Figure 6. To make visualization and comprehension easier, we have sorted the values in
T, although this is not done usually with TORONTO. The lighter values of the matrix indicate better sensitivity. With some differences, we observe that locations 18, 19, and 20 share common threshold values. That is, when 18 has high sensitivity, locations 19 and 20 also show higher sensitivity and vice versa.
Figure 7 shows the bivariate probability mass between locations 18 and 19 and between 18 and 20. Again, these plots indicate that the threshold sensitivity values are correlated.
The true thresholds for locations 18, 19, and 20 were set to 23, 25, and 27 dB, respectively, with no false-positive or false-negative responses. An example with false responses is shown in
Appendix B. The output for these three locations from the TORONTO algorithm after five trials was 24.1, 26.1, and 28.0 dB. A point-wise ZEST routine with the same termination criteria took eight trials (i.e., 60% longer testing duration) and produced a similar accuracy of 23.2, 25.8, and 28.1 dB.
TORONTO iterates the Bayesian adaptive procedure on
P, which contains the probabilities assigned to the threshold values in
Figure 8 shows the evolution of
P tracked by the TORONTO algorithm (left) together with the posterior probability mass functions (PMFs) after each trial (right). The PMF is calculated from a weighted histogram of values in
T. The overlaying orange dots on the PMFs show the likelihood functions used to update
P as a result of the trial and provides a visualization of TORONTO’s update procedure, akin to the classic ZEST Bayesian update procedure found in Figure 1 of
King-Smith et al. (1994). However, in this case, the two nontested locations are also updated as well. The likelihood functions for the two nontested locations have the same general shape as the likelihood function at the tested location, but because there is more uncertainty, there is a scatter of the orange dots near the threshold as well as a shallower slope.
In this particular simulation, the very first stimulus presented was at location 20. Following the response, all three locations were updated using the likelihood function (orange dots). Notably, testing at location 20 also enhanced the threshold estimate at locations 18 and 19. Iterating through the algorithm step by step, the algorithm sampled all three locations and refined the overall estimate of all three locations, as is evident by the increasing contrast in the three columns of P. As the test progresses, the weights assigned to the top portion of P (which corresponds to the top portion of T) increase, and the PMFs converge toward the true thresholds.
Increasing the number of correlated locations in TORONTO results in even faster convergence and more accurate estimates. When two additional neighboring 24-2 locations are added (10: (−21°, +6°) and 11: (−15°, +6°)) and with ground truth set to 25, 27, 23, 25, and 27 dB for the five locations, TORONTO took seven trials to estimate the thresholds to be 25.5, 26.8, 24.2, 25.6, and 28.0 dB. In comparison, an equivalent ZEST procedure took 12 trials (71% longer) to yield estimates of 25.1, 26.8, 23.2, 25.8, and 28.1 dB.