Corrections to: Cottier, T. V., Turner, W., Holcombe, A. O., & Hogendoorn, H. (2023). Exploring the extent to which shared mechanisms contribute to motion-position illusions.
Journal of Vision, 23(10):8, 1–24,
In the Method section, under the “Flash-grab effect (FG)” heading, in the second sentence, the unit of measurement for the speed of the stimulus was listed as dva/s but should have been degrees of polar angle per second. The sentence “A checkerboard-textured black and white annulus with a radius of 17.8 dva randomly rotated clockwise or counterclockwise at 200 dva/s for a duration of 700 ms, 800 ms, 900 ms, 1,000 ms, 1,100 ms, or 1,200 ms, before reversing direction for 500 ms” has been changed to “A checkerboard-textured black and white annulus with a radius of 17.8 dva randomly rotated clockwise or counterclockwise at 200 degrees of polar angle per second for a duration of 700 ms, 800 ms, 900 ms, 1,000 ms, 1,100 ms, or 1,200 ms, before reversing direction for 500 ms” in the article online.