How does the human visual system deal with the challenge of the spatial discrimination of two written symbols? To process visual information, one can move the eyes to each relevant stimulus or each relevant component of a stimulus in order to process them serially using central vision and/or use simultaneous static information from both peripheral and central vision. There is a functional and anatomical difference between central and peripheral vision from the retinal to the cortical visual processing level (
Stewart, Valsecchi, & Schütz, 2020). The macula is a retinal zone measuring about 5.5 mm in diameter that is responsible for central vision. This small region, extending to about 10° of visual eccentricity from the fixation point, contains half the ganglion cells of the entire retina with a high density of cones, which gives it high visual acuity (
Coletta & Williams, 1987;
Duke-Elder & Shimkin, 1926) and a magnified representation within the primary visual cortex. The rest of the retina, corresponding to the outer 20° of visual eccentricity, contains the other half of the ganglion cells, with a small density of cones, and thus has lower visual acuity (
Coletta & Williams, 1987), as well as a much smaller representation in the primary visual cortex. Although the former is important for fine perceptual discrimination, the latter is preferred for obtaining global image characteristics and guiding saccades to distant informative locations (
Rayner & Bertera, 1979;
Rayner & McConkie, 1976;
Van Diepen, Wampers, & d'Ydewalle, 1998). Peripheral and central vision are complementary and interact with each other (
Stewart et al., 2020), and for object search in naturalistic visual scenes, neither macular nor peripheral vision has proven to be crucial (
Nuthmann, 2014). But, the inhomogeneity of the visual system presents a significant potential bias for fine visuospatial discrimination. The magnitude and shape of the visual input representation in primary cortical areas differ dramatically depending on whether it is viewed with the macula or the retinal periphery (
Aagten-Murphy & Bays, 2018;
Valsecchi & Gegenfurtner, 2016). Positioning the eyes between two objects to be compared, such that both are viewed at an equivalent visual eccentricity, and therefore experiencing an equivalent cortical magnification distortion appears to be an optimal strategy. Healthy participants can perform size or length comparisons accurately when required to keep their gaze fixated either in-between two objects presented at the same eccentricity in the left and right visual fields (
Cappelletti, Freeman, & Cipolotti, 2009) or on only one of the two objects (
Jurkiewicz, Salemme, Froment, & Pisella, 2021). However, this is not the strategy they spontaneously adopt in free-gaze conditions; instead, they exhibit a gaze exploratory strategy with oculomotor routines that do not necessarily enhance the accuracy of their perceptual judgments (
Aizenman, Gegenfurtner, & Goettker, 2024). Active scanning involves saccades alternating between the objects to compare, suggesting a proactive sequential delivery of objects to the macula for high-acuity visual processing. But, when one object is fixated, the other one can only be compared from peripheral vision or from the holding of information of the object not currently fixated in visual memory. Therefore, transsaccadic association in visual memory is required to ensure spatial consistency across space (
Herwig & Schneider, 2014), between macular and peripheral input, and between sequentially sampled macular information. However, a high frequency of comparative saccades has also been suggested to reduce memory usage (
Galpin & Underwood, 2005). This raises the second issue we wish to address in the present paper, which is the functional compensation of visual field defects in visuospatial comparative tasks. Whereas partial visual masking increases the cost of information acquisition and memorization, study participants have often remained able to perform with comparable accuracy but with a general increase of the time needed to complete one trial (
Hardiess & Mallot 2015;
Hardiess, Papageorgiou, Schiefer, & Mallot, 2010;
Janssen & Verghese, 2015). This cost in response time can emerge from different spontaneous or deliberate oculomotor compensatory strategies with respect to the task-specific demands and type of visual loss.