A 3 Tesla Siemens Trio MR scanner (AG, Erlangen, Germany) with a 32-channel phase-array head coil was used to acquire the MR data at the National Magnetic Resonance Research Center, Bilkent University. Each participant underwent multiple MR runs in a session, including one run for high-resolution anatomical imaging (T1-weighted three-dimensional [3D] MPRAGE sequence, spatial resolution: 1 mm3 isotropic, TR: 2,600 ms, TE: 2.92 ms, flip angle: 12°, number of slices: 176), and a total of eight functional runs, one for retinotopic mapping, one for functional ROI identification, and six for experimental conditions (T2*-weighted EPI sequence, spatial resolution: 3 × 3 × 3 mm3, TR: 2,000 ms, TE: 35 ms, flip angle: 75°, number of slices: 30, slice orientation: parallel to the calcarine sulcus). An MR-safe 32-inch LCD monitor (T-32, Troyka Med A.S., Ankara, Türkiye) was used to present the visual stimuli. The maximum and minimum achromatic luminance of the screen was 79.600 and 0.0024 cd/m2, respectively. The participants lay supine in the scanner and viewed the screen using a mirror attached to the head coil above their eyes, with a total viewing distance of approximately 172 cm.