We first tested whether adaptation to the digital numerals 6 and 8 (
Figure 2A, left), which share the same shape as the test stimuli (
Figure 2B, right), biases the recognition of the partially occluded digital numeral. Results from one representative participant (P1) are illustrated in
Figure 3A (left). After adaptation to digital numerals, the responses to the partially occluded digital numeral showed clear perceptual biases despite the ambiguity caused by the partial occlusion. Specifically, after adaptation to the digital numeral 6, the participant always reported the test stimulus as the number 8 (
Figure 3A, top left; response proportions: 0% for 6; 100% for 8, and 0% for other numbers), whereas after adaptation to digital numeral 8, the participant reported the test stimulus as number 6 in most trials (
Figure 3A, bottom left; response proportions: 85% for 6, 15% for 8, and 0% for other numbers).
This perceptual bias was confirmed at the population level (
Figure 3A, right). The bias indices of all 16 participants were negative under the adaptation condition of digital numeral 6 (
mean = −0.89; 95% confidence interval [CI]: ± 0.08), indicating that participants tended to see the test stimulus as 8. In contrast, the bias indices were all positive under the adaptation condition of the digital numeral 8 (
mean = 0.72 ± 0.14 [95% CI]), indicating that participants tended to recognize the test stimulus as 6. The perceptual biases were significantly different between the two adaptation conditions (
d = 7.00;
p = 3.45 × 10
BF10 = 1.1 × 10
4). These results show that the recognition of partially occluded digital numerals was biased strongly by visual adaptation. This effect of adaptation suggests that the bistable perception is not driven by the subjective interpretation of the semantics of numerals, but constitutes a visual information processing mechanism.
Next, we asked which level of visual processing determines the bistable perception of the occluded digital numeral. We note that the position shifting of adaptation stimuli in our task paradigm already suggests that the perceptual biases do not happen in the early stages of visual processing (such as the primary visual cortex), where the receptive fields of neurons are relatively small and the adaptation effect is strictly localized (
Kohn, 2007;
Kohn & Movshon, 2003).
To investigate whether the later stages of visual processing play a role in bistable perception, we introduced normal Arabic numerals as adaptation stimuli (
Figure 2A, left). Normal Arabic numerals and digital numerals have similar global appearances, but differ in their local visual features; digital numerals are composed of horizontally and vertically oriented intermittent straight sticks, whereas normal Arabic numerals are composed of continuous curvatures. Because primary visual processing stages are sensitive to local feature differences and later stages are not (
Kravitz et al., 2013), examining whether adaptation to the normal Arabic numerals influences the recognition of the occluded digital numeral allowed us to answer whether later stages of visual processing played a fundamental role in the perceptual bistability of digital numerals. For example, compared with early visual areas, intermediate visual areas such as V4, are driven less by local features of the stimulus (e.g., edges) but rather by more complex features (e.g., curvature) (
Dumoulin & Hess, 2007;
Gallant, Braun, & Van Essen; 1993;
Pasupathy & Connor, 2002;
Wilkinson et al., 2000;
Wilson, Wilkinson, & Asaad, 1997).
Results showed that adaptation to normal Arabic numerals is comparable with adaptation to digital numerals, both at the single participant level (
Figure 3B, left; response proportions of adaptation to normal Arabic numeral 6: 0% for 6, 100% for 8, and 0% for other numbers; response proportions of adaptation to normal Arabic numeral 8: 100% for 6, 0% for 8, and 0% for other numbers) and at the population level (
Figure 3B, right; bias indices of adaptation to normal Arabic numeral 6,
mean = −0.79 ± 0.22 [95% CI]; bias indices of adaptation to normal Arabic numeral 8,
mean = 0.76 ± 0.15 [95% CI];
d = 4.07,
p = 9.77 × 10
BF10 = 2.8 × 10
3). The adaptation effects of normal Arabic numerals further support the idea that bistable recognition of the occluded digital numerals is established later in the visual processing stream, rather than in the early stages.
Last, we investigated whether the processing of semantics plays a critical role in generating the bistable perception. We first tested the effect of adaptation to digital elements (the upper parts of the digital numerals) (
Figure 2A, left); this modification removed the semantic components of the digital numerals while preserving some shape similarities. The results were similar to those in digital and normal Arabic numerals adaptation conditions at both the single participant level (
Figure 3C, left; response proportions of adaptation to digital element ⊏, 5% for 6, 95% for 8, and 0% for other numbers; response proportions of adaptation to digital element □, 100% for 6, 0% for 8, and 0% for other numbers) and population level (
Figure 3C, right; bias indices of adaptation to digital element ⊏,
mean = −0.47 ± 0.36 [95% CI]; bias indices of adaptation to digital element □,
mean = 0.67 ± 0.21 [95% CI];
d = 1.98,
p = 0.0065;
BF10 = 1.1 × 10
3), although the effect size of differences between two adaptation conditions was lower than that obtained under the adaptation conditions of digital and normal Arabic numerals.
As opposed to digital elements, Chinese numerals share the same meanings as digital numerals, although their shapes are different (
Figure 2A, left). We predicted that, if the semantic processing stage plays a role in bistable perception, there would be perceptual bias after adapting to Chinese numerals. To ensure a valid adaptation, all participants were born in Japan and fluent in both Chinese and Arabic numerals. Results showed that adaptation to Chinese numerals did not bias perceptual interpretation of the occluded digital numerals at either the single participant level (
Figure 3D, left; response proportions of adaptation to 六, 40% for 6, 60% for 8, and 0% for other numbers; response proportions of adaptation to 八, 65% for 6, 35% for 8, and 0% for other numbers) or the population level (
Figure 3D, right; bias indices of adaptation to Chinese numeral 六,
mean = 0.14 ± 0.37 [95% CI]; bias indices of adaptation to Chinese numeral 八,
mean = 0.25 ± 0.36 [95% CI];
d = 0.15,
p = 1.00,
BF10 = 0.31). Moreover, the bias indices of adaptation to Chinese numerals are comparable with that in the control condition (adaptation to white noise) at both the single participant level (
Supplementary Figure S1, left; response proportions of adaptation to white noise: 50% for 6, 50% for 8, and 0% for other numbers) and the population level (
Supplementary Figure S1, right; bias indices of adaptation to white noise,
mean = 0.22 ± 0.38 [95% CI]).
These results suggest that semantic processing mechanisms do not take a major role in the perceptual bistability of the partially occluded digital numeral.