Each trial started with the onset of the fixation mark, a plus sign (d = 0.7 dva), on a black background for a random duration (800–1200 ms). The fixation mark was presented 5 dva above the center for the observers would see the probes parafoveally because the effect can be reduced with direct fixation of the probes. To avoid any additional reference point beyond the frame itself, the fixation mark was then removed, but the participants were instructed to hold their fixation at that location throughout the trial. After a random duration of 300 to 700 ms, a frame appeared at a random position, −4 to −2 dva horizontally and −1 to 1 dva vertically off the center and moved back and forth horizontally (random first leg direction) within 433 ms over a path of 6 dva. The moving frame was an empty white square with a width of 7.5 dva and an edge thickness of 0.3 dva. The probes were filled circles (d = 0.5 dva) and appeared either in blue (RGB: 30, 144, 255) or red (RGB: 255, 99, 71), in an eight-bit intensity scale (
Figure 1A). The number of cycles was either one, two, or three. In half of the trials, two probes flashed for 33 ms in alternation at the end of each path, during which the frame's motion was paused. The two probes appeared at the same screen location, but one was close to the right edge of the frame (when the frame was at the leftmost position of its motion path), and the other was close to the left edge of the frame (when the frame was at the rightmost position of its motion path). In the other half of trials, only one of the two probes flashed. Participants were instructed to maintain fixation on the location indicated by the fixation mark early in the trial and to report the location of the probe(s) with a mouse click (in arbitrary order if there were two probes) as soon as the mouse cursor appeared. Between 300 and 700 ms after the frame motion ended, the cursor (a typical arrow) appeared 8 dva below the fixation mark's previous location on the screen (3 dva below the frame's pathway), with no horizontal offset, allowing participants to freely move it in any direction (see
Supplementary Video S1). There were six conditions (motion cycles, three values, 1, 2, 3; probe number, two values, 1, 2) for a total of 60 trials per participant (conditions presented randomly). The experiment lasted about eight minutes.