Figure 4 illustrates the overall gaze pattern observed in our experiment.
Figure 4A shows the gaze position (from target movement onset to target interception) of all participants (thin lines) in screen-centered coordinates averaged across high-certainty 3-cm (top) and 6-cm (bottom) jump trials. The gaze position averaged across participants at different urgency levels is indicated by thick blue (low urgency), red (medium urgency), and green (high urgency) lines.
Figure 4E shows the corresponding screen-centered gaze position in low-certainty trials. To further describe the observed gaze pattern, we compared participants’ eye positions at three distinct time points: (1) at the time of target movement onset (
Figures 4B and
4F), (2) at the time of target jump (
Figures 4C and
4G), and (3) 250 ms after the time of jump (
Figures 4D and
4H). We chose 250 ms to allow sufficient time for saccades to land following the target jump.
We first compared the effect of certainty (high vs. low) and urgency (low, medium, or high) on vertical eye position at the three selected time points using a repeated-measures 2 × 3 ANOVA. We found no effect of certainty or urgency and no interaction for vertical eye position at the time of target movement onset (
F < 1.7,
p > 0.2, η < 0.13). We also found no effect of certainty and no interaction on vertical eye position at the time of the target jump (
F < 0.7,
p > 0.5, η < 0.06). We found an effect of urgency on vertical eye position at the time of target jump,
F(2, 24) = 20.72,
p < 0.001, η = 0.63. Finally, we did not find an effect of jump certainty (
F < 1.5,
p > 0.2, η < 0.12) on vertical eye position 250 ms after target jump, but did find a significant effect of urgency,
F(2, 24) = 91.82,
p < 0.001, η = 0.88, and a significant interaction between jump certainty and response urgency,
F(2, 24) = 6.52,
p = 0.005, η = 0.35. Taken together, these results indicate that vertical eye position was significantly affected by target jump times, with vertical eye position being lower as the urgency level increased. Vertical eye position was not affected by jump certainty. As illustrated by each participant's gaze position (
Figures 4A and
4E), the between-participants variability was high at target movement onset (∼6 cm), but participants converged to similar vertical gaze positions following the target jump.
Horizontal gaze positions were near the midline until after the target jumped (
Figures 4B,
4F, and
4G), and horizontal gaze remained at the midline during trials where the target did not jump (purple dots in
Figures 4F to
4H). Following the target jump, the horizontal eye position scaled with the size of the target jump, landing on average 2.65 ± 0.16 cm away from the midline in 3-cm jump trials and 5.29 ± 0.09 cm away from the midline in 6-cm jump trials.
Finally, we investigated the accuracy of the first saccade that occurred after target jump. Whereas horizontal saccade accuracy was unaffected by jump certainty and response urgency, vertical saccade accuracy was affected by jump certainty, F(1, 12) = 4.85, p = 0.048, η = 0.29, and response urgency, F(2, 24) = 123.92, p < 0.001, η = 0.91. Post hoc comparisons showed that participants were on average very accurate in high-certainty blocks (vertical saccade error, –0.08 ± 0.32 cm), but tended to land above, or behind, the actual target position in low-certainty blocks (vertical saccade error, 0.27 ± 0.32 cm). Moreover, saccades were most accurate in medium-urgency trials (vertical saccade error, 0.05 ± 0.19 cm). In low-urgency trials, saccades tended to land below, or ahead, of the moving target position (vertical saccade error, –0.94 ± 0.26 cm), and, in high-urgency trials, saccades tended to land above, or behind, the moving target position (vertical saccade error, 1.19 ± 0.16 cm).