The first experiment (“constant contrast”) ran on a Mac Mini (2014; Apple, Cupertino, CA), presented on a cathode-ray tube (CRT) screen (Diamond Pro 2070; 12.9 inches, 800 × 600-pixel resolution, 120-Hz refresh rate; Mitsubishi, Tokyo, Japan). MATLAB R2016b (version 7.10.0; MathWorks, Natick, MA) and Psychtoolbox routines (version 3.0.17) were used for stimulus generation. The second experiment (“adjusted contrast”) ran on a Windows 10 computer (Microsoft, Redmond, CA) presented on an Acer XB272 screen (23.6 inches, 1920 × 1080-pixel resolution, 120-Hz refresh rate; Acer, New Taipei City, Taiwan). MATLAB R2020b (version 9.9.0) and Psychtoolbox routines (version 3.0.18) were used for stimulus generation. Subjects were placed 57 cm in front of the screen in a dark room. We used a black background (0.01 cd/m2). Participants placed their head in a chin rest to prevent head movements. Eye movements were recorded by a desktop-mounted eye tracker (EyeLink 1000 Plus; 1000-Hz sampling rate; SR Research, Ottawa, Canada). Participants performed the task binocularly, but only the left eye was recorded. A standard nine-point calibration routine was conducted. For measuring participants’ responses, a standard keyboard and mouse were used.