We modeled each vertex as an isometric two-dimensional (2D) Gaussian with three parameters of interest. The model function was expressed as
G\left( {x,y;{{\rm{\mu }}_x},{{\rm{\mu }}_y},{\rm{\sigma }}} \right) = \exp \left( { - \left( {\frac{{{{\left( {x - {{\rm{\mu }}_x}} \right)}^2} + {{\left( {y - {{\rm{\mu }}_y}} \right)}^2}}}{{2{{\rm{\sigma }}^2}}}} \right)} \right), \end{array}
where μ
x and μ
y define the center and σ defines the standard deviation of the pRF 2D Gaussian.
The pRF method assumes that the fMRI time series for each vertex is the dot product of the stimulus time series convolved with each participant's HRF in time and the pRF of the vertex Gaussian model in space. For each vertex, the pRF model can be formally expressed as
\begin{equation}\hat{R}\left( t \right) = {\rm{S}}\left( {x,y,t} \right) \cdot {\rm{G}}\left( {x,y;{{\rm{\mu }}_x},{{\rm{\mu }}_y},{\rm{\sigma }}} \right) \circledast h\left( t \right), \end{equation}
\(\hat{R}( t )\) is the predicted fMRI time series,
t) is the stimulus movie,
y; μ
x, μ
y, σ) is a 2D Gaussian, and
t) is the hemodynamic response function.
Using custom MATLAB software, pRF estimates for each vertex were determined to be the values that maximized the correlation between the predicted and actual fMRI time course. The square of this correlation is the proportion of variance in the fMRI time series explained by the pRF model. The pRF estimation yields three parameters: pRF center location (μx, μy) and pRF size (σ).
We conducted pRF model fitting in two stages. First, a coarse parameter grid-search was performed with seeds for pRF centers (μ
x, μ
y) linearly sampled from –8° to 8° in 20 steps and seeds for pRF size (σ) linearly spaced from 1 to 5 in 20 steps. The pRF size seeds were chosen to be larger than expected because
Lage-Castellanos et al., 2020 reported steeper convergence gradients for pRF size when starting from larger values, irrespective of true pRF size. A predicted time course was generated for each seed and correlated with the actual fMRI time course. The seed parameters with the highest correlation were chosen as the initial starting parameters for the next stage of fitting.
Second, we estimated each participant's HRF for each hemisphere by holding the pRF parameters from the grid-search fixed and fitting for the six HRF parameters (δ, α1, α2, β1, β2, c). Then, we held the HRF parameters constant and fit the pRF parameters. This process was repeated for three iterations to ensure that the parameters converged on a stable solution. To limit computation time, the HRF estimation process was carried out by selecting 15% of the vertices out of the subset of vertices with explained variance >20%. The median HRF parameters of these fitted voxels were used to estimate that individual's HRF. This HRF fitting procedure used all collected fMRI data for each participant, regardless of session and stimulus type, to prevent biasing the final pRF estimates toward any particular stimulus type or session.
After participant HRFs were estimated, the final stage of pRF estimation was performed. The best-starting seed parameters were once again calculated from the coarse grid-search procedure, and then a nonlinear minimization routine (MATLAB fminsearch) was used to find the final pRF estimates.
The pRF estimates were always fit separately for each stimulus type (fixed-bar and log-bar). We estimated these parameters for each session as well as collapsed across both sessions (session 1, session 2, and sessions 1 and 2). This procedure resulted in 12 participants × 2 hemispheres × 2 stimulus types × 3 session configurations = 144 sets of pRF estimates.
After pRF fitting, the Cartesian coordinates of the pRF center (μx, μy) were transformed into polar coordinates (polar angle and eccentricity). Only vertices with estimated pRF centers less than 8° eccentricity (i.e., within the display), that had a pRF size greater than 0.05°, and whose model variance explained was >10% were retained for subsequent analyses.