On each trial, we presented items sequentially and cued with a serial order cue. However, technically the cue only becomes important during within-feature trials (for a comparison to these effects in
Experiment 1, see
Supplementary Table S2). To see whether serial order plays a role in cross-feature advantages, we included the target item position in our analysis. For orientation recall, we again found a main effect of non-target feature,
F(2, 306) = 6.72,
p = 0.001, and also a main effect of target position,
F(1, 153) = 6.60,
p = 0.011, but no interaction (
p > 0.6). Although orientation recall precision is higher when the orientation is presented as the second compared to the first item (
p = 0.008), this effect is negligible (Cohen's
d = 0.12), and item order did not influence the cross-feature benefit. Color recall was neither influenced by non-target feature nor target position (
p > 0.14). Only for pitch recall did we find a significant main effect of non-target feature,
F(1.53, 234.23) = 22.45,
p < 0.001, and target position,
F(1, 153) = 24.60,
p < 0.001, as well as a significant interaction,
F(2, 306) = 6.58,
p = 0.001. Overall, participants were more precise when recalling a pitch if the pitch was presented as the second item (
p < 0.001, Cohen's
d = 0.25). Uncorrected
t-tests show that the cross-feature benefit was higher when an orientation (
p = 0.001, Cohen's d = 0.27) or color (
p = 0.003, Cohen's
d = 0.24) was presented first and the pitch was presented as the second item (see
Figure 4).