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Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting Abstract

Yuvraj Sethi; Dimitrios Pantazis
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 2. doi:
J. David Timm; Frank Papenmeier
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 3. doi:
Julian De Freitas; Lance J. Rips; George A. Alvarez
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 5. doi:
Isabelle Charbonneau; Kim Calvé; Justin Duncan; Caroline Blais; Daniel Fiset
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 17. doi:
Patrick Garrigan
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 23. doi:
Charlotta Eick; Géza Gergely Ambrus; Gyula Kovács
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 103. doi:
Chong Zhao; Geoffrey Woodman
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 105. doi:
Kayla Sansevere; Elizabeth Walshe; Katherine Moore; Chelsea Ward McIntosh; Flaura Winston
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 107. doi:
Catherine Manning; Udo Boehm; Gaia Scerif; Anthony M Norcia; Eric-Jan Wagenmakers
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 109. doi:
Hans Supèr; Maria Sole Puig
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 111. doi:
Jonathan Victor; Mary Conte
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 112. doi:
Brett Bankson; Matthew Boring; R. Mark Richardson; Avniel Singh Ghuman
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 115. doi:
Shutian Xue; Antoine Barbot; Marisa Carrasco
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 116. doi:
Anastasia Stoops; Kiel Christianson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 120. doi:
Steven P. Errington; Jeffrey D. Schall
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 121. doi:
Reem Alzahabi; Matthew Cain
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 122. doi:
Kaleb A. Lowe; Thomas R. Reppert; Jeffrey D. Schall
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 123. doi:
Chris Paffen; Sjoerd Stuit; Yentl de Kloe; Stefan van der Stigchel; Marnix Naber
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 124. doi:
Jacob A. Westerberg; Alexander Maier; Jeffrey D. Schall
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 131. doi:
Jessica Dukes; J. Farley Norman; Hannah Shapiro; Ashley Peterson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 136. doi:
J. Farley Norman; Karli Sanders; Hannah Shapiro; Ashley Peterson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 137. doi:
Ann Carrigan; Paul Stoodley; Fernando Fernandez; Mackenzie Sunday; Mark Wiggins
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 139. doi:
David Peterzell
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 140. doi:
Sebastian M. Frank; Susanne Bründl; Ulrike I. Frank; Yuka Sasaki; Mark W. Greenlee; Takeo Watanabe
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 141. doi:
Sabrina Hansmann-Roth; Árni Kristjánsson; Andrey Chetverikov
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 142. doi:
Alexis Kidder; Edward H. Silson; Chris I. Baker
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 143. doi:
Isabel Gauthier; Mackenzie A. Sunday; Andrew J. Tomarken; Sun-Joo Cho
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 144. doi:
Benjamin Wolfe; Ruth Rosenholtz
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 145. doi:
Pei-Ling Yang; Evan G Center; Diane M Beck
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 146. doi:
Hrag Pailian; George A. Alvarez
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 148. doi:
Fenil Doshi; Hrag Pailian; George A. Alvarez
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 149. doi:
Lindsay Plater; Blaire Dube; Maria Giammarco; Kirsten Donaldson; Krista Miller; Naseem Al-Aidroos
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 151. doi:
Marisa Nordt; Jesse Gomez; Vaidehi S. Natu; Alex A. Rezai; Dawn Finzi; Kalanit Grill-Spector
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 152. doi:
Dick Dubbelde; Sarah Shomstein
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 153. doi:
Sreenivasan Meyyappan; Abhijit Rajan; Jesse Bengson; George Mangun; Mingzhou Ding
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 156. doi:
Nancy Carlisle; Ziyao Zhang
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 157. doi:
Samantha Joubran; Naseem Al-Aidroos
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 159. doi:
William Schmitt; Hrag Pailian; George A. Alvarez
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 166. doi:
Hua-Chun Sun; Damien Mannion
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 167. doi:
Andy J. Kim; Brian A. Anderson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 169. doi:
Ziyi Duan; Xuchen Song; Rende Shui; Jifan Zhou; Mowei Shen; Xiaowei Ding
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 172. doi:
Daisuke Tajima; Jun Nishida; Pedro Lopes; Shunichi Kasahara
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 173. doi:
Brynn E. Sherman; Nicholas B. Turk-Browne
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 174. doi:
Ziyao Zhang; Nancy Carlisle
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 179. doi:
Benjamin Balas; Shea Lammers; Alyson Saville
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 180. doi:
Cameron Ellis; Tristan Yates; Lena Skalaban; Vikranth Bejjanki; Michael Arcaro; Nicholas Turk-Browne
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 181. doi:
Anna Kosovicheva; Koushik Sridhar; Peter J Bex
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 183. doi:
Fraser Aitken; Georgios Menelaou,; Oliver Warrington; Nadege Corbin; Martina Callaghan; Peter Kok
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 184. doi:
Caterina Magri; Talia Konkle
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 185. doi:
Aaron L. Gardony; Carlene A. Horner
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 187. doi:
Jason Chow; Thomas Palmeri; Isabel Gauthier
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 188. doi:
Frederik Kamps; Jordan Pincus; Samaher Radwan; Stephanie Wahab; Daniel Dilks
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 191. doi:
Sunghyun Kim; Melissa Beck
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 192. doi:
Emilie Josephs; Haoyun Zhao; Talia Konkle
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 193. doi:
Annie Cheng; Daniel Dilks
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 195. doi:
Anelise Newman; Barry McNamara; Camilo Fosco; Yun Bin Zhang; Patr Sukhum; Matthew Tancik; Nam Wook Kim; Zoya Bylinskii
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 196. doi:
Kirsten Adam; John Serences
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 199. doi:
Emily Slezak; Steven K Shevell
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 200. doi:
Mareike Grotheer; Jason Yeatman*; Kalanit Grill-Spector*
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 201. doi:
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 202. doi:
Huichao Ji; Jun Yin; Yushang Huang; Xiaowei Ding
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 203. doi:
Mike Le Pelley; Phillip Cheng
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 204. doi:
Adrian K. T. Ng; Leith K. Y. Chan; Henry Y. K. Lau
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 205. doi:
Chien-Chung Chen; Christopher Tyler
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 206. doi:
Scott Sponheim; Seung Suk Kang; Victor Pokorny; Michael-Paul Schallmo; Cheryl Olman
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 210. doi:
Tom Nissens; Katja Fiehler
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 214. doi:
Long Luu; Mingsha Zhang; Misha Tsodyks; Ning Qian
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 216. doi:
Angus F. Chapman; Viola S. Stoermer
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 217. doi:
Rebecca Lawrence; Stephanie Goodhew; Mark Edwards; Jay Pratt
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 219. doi:
Laurent Grégoire; Haena Kim; Andy J. Kim; Brian A. Anderson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 220. doi:
Xiaohua Zhuang; Steven K. Shevell
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 221. doi:
Sophie Nightingale; Shruti Agarwal; Hany Farid
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 223. doi:
Margaret Henderson; John Serences
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 224. doi:
Poutasi Urale; D. Samuel Schwarzkopf
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 225. doi:
Lu Ruoyu; Mou Weimin; Li Zhi
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 228. doi:
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte; Xue-Xin Wei
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 235. doi:
Laurent Caplette; Frédéric Gosselin
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 236. doi:
Adrianne Pauzé; Marie-Pier Plouffe-Demers; Justine Goulet; Hana Furumoto-Deshaies; Daniel Fiset; Dave Saint-Amour; Caroline Cyr; Caroline Blais
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 238. doi:
Haena Kim; Brian A. Anderson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 239. doi:
Emma E.M. Stewart; Casimir Ludwig; Alexander C. Schütz
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 246. doi:
Jonathan F. Kominsky; Lewis Baker; Frank C. Keil; Brent Strickland
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 247. doi:
John A. Greenwood; Kamilla Dombai; Siobhan M. Ludden; Annegret Dahlmann-Noor; Tessa M. Dekker
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 249. doi:
Tyler Roberts; Gerald Cupchik; Gloria Rebello; Jonathan S. Cant; Adrian Nestor
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 250. doi:
M.D. Rutherford; Victoria Foglia
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 251. doi:
Victoria Foglia; M.D. Rutherford
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 252. doi:
Markus D. Solbach; John K. Tsotsos
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 253. doi:
Aaron Berk; Gulcenur Ozturan; David Maberley; Özgür Yılmaz; Ipek Oruc
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 255. doi:
Frederick Kingdom; Hiromi Sato; Ronald Chang; Mark Georgeson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 257. doi:
Joseph S Lappin; Adriane E Seiffert; Herbert H Bell
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 258. doi:
Jonathan Vacher; Pascal Mamassian; Ruben Coen-Cagli
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 260. doi:
Lauren Williams; Iris Wiegand; Mark Lavelle; Jeremy Wolfe; Keisuke Fukuda; Trafton Drew
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 261. doi:
Holly Gagnon; Dun Na; Keith Heiner; Jeanine Stefanucci; Sarah Creem-Regehr; Bobby Bodenheimer
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 262. doi:
Andrew E. Silva; Dusan Sarenac; Connor kapahi; David G. Cory; Ivar Taminiau; Dmitry A. Pushin; Ben Thompson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 265. doi:
Daniel Harari; Hanna Benoni; Shimon Ullman
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 266. doi:
Carol Coricelli; Kevin M. Stubbs; Raffaella I. Rumiati; Jody C. Culham
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 267. doi:
Eline R Kupers; Noah C Benson; Marisa Carrasco; Jonathan Winawer
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 270. doi:
Lilian Azer; Weiwei Zhang
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 272. doi:
Christopher Tyler
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 273. doi:
Rachel Mowbray; Anthony Atkinson; Dorothy Cowie
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 274. doi:
Reuben Rideaux; Andrew E Welchman
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 275. doi:
Yih-Shiuan Lin; Chien-Chung Chen; Mark W. Greenlee
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 279. doi:
Tiasha Saha Roy; Arpita Saha Chowdhury; Sucheta Chakravarty; Koel Das
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 281. doi:
Marnix Naber; Joris Elshout; Stefan Van der Stigchel
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 285. doi:
Syaheed B. Jabar; Daryl Fougnie
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 286. doi:
Meghan Willcoxon; William H. Warren
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 287. doi:
Guldehan Durman; Yaseen A. Jamal; Derek Hu; Eva M. Ratai; Daniel D. Dilks
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 288. doi:
Thomas Langlois; Nori Jacoby; Jordan Suchow; Thomas Griffiths
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 289. doi:
Akihito Maruya; Qasim Zaidi
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 290. doi:
Stephanie Saltzmann; Melissa Beck
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 292. doi:
Tess Allegra Forest; Noam Siegelman; Amy Finn
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 293. doi:
Taren Rohovit; Spencer Ivy; Mark Lavelle; Jeanine Stefanucci; Dustin Stokes; Trafton Drew
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 294. doi:
Mark E. Lavelle; Kobe Cornelison; Lauren H. Williams; Trafton Drew
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 295. doi:
Lore* Goetschalckx; Alex* Andonian; Aude Oliva; Phillip Isola
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 297. doi:
Julie Ouerfelli-Ethier; Noemie Redureau; Laure Pisella; Aarlenne Z. Khan
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 298. doi:
Michelle Schall; Jacob Westerberg; Alexander Maier; Jeffrey Schall; Geoffrey Woodman
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 299. doi:
Angelica Godinez; Santiago González; Dennis Levi
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 300. doi:
Jeremy Wolfe
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 303. doi:
Tess C. Durham; Elissa M. Aminoff
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 306. doi:
Lauren Aulet; Stella Lourenco
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 307. doi:
Sami Yousif; Frank Keil
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 309. doi:
Vladislav Ayzenberg; Stella Lourenco
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 310. doi:
Dan Nemrodov; Ilya Nudnou; Adrian Nestor
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 311. doi:
Ryan Williams; Susanne Ferber; Jay Pratt
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 316. doi:
Ming-Ray Liao; Jeesu Kim; Brian Anderson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 318. doi:
Bridget Wilson; Chad Peltier; Matthew Daley; Justin Handy
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 319. doi:
Phillip Witkowski; Joy Geng
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 321. doi:
Luis D. Ramirez; Josh J. Foster; Sam Ling
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 322. doi:
Amirsaman Sajad; Jeffrey D Schall
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 325. doi:
Leah Bakst; Ilona Bloem; Joseph McGuire; Sam Ling
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 327. doi:
Aenne Brielmann; Angelica Nuzzo; Denis Pelli
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 329. doi:
Owen Adams; Nicholas Gaspelin
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 334. doi:
Praveen Kenderla; Sung-Ho Kim; Melissa M Kibbe
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 337. doi:
Stephen Palmisano; Shinji Nakamura; Robert Allison; Bernhard Riecke
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 339. doi:
Michael-Paul Schallmo; Hannah R. Moser; Caroline Demro; Małgorzata Marjańska; Scott R. Sponheim
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 340. doi:
Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga; Noah Benson; Jonathan Winawer; Brian Wandell
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 341. doi:
Ryan E.B. Mruczek; Sean Kelly; Abigail Sagona; Matthew Fanelli; Gideon P. Caplovitz
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 342. doi:
Jesse Gomez; Zonglei Zhen; Kevin S. Weiner
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 343. doi:
Yelda Alkan; Koorosh Mirpour; James Bisley
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 345. doi:
Talia Brandman; Rafael Malach; Erez Simony
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 348. doi:
Alexander Pastukhov; Claus-Christian Carbon
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 349. doi:
Vladislav Khvostov; Igor Utochkin; Timothy Brady
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 351. doi:
Kazuhiko Yokosawa; Kyuto Uno; Michiko Asano
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 354. doi:
Vasiliki Myrodia; Samuel Delepoulle; Laurent Madelain
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 355. doi:
Aleksei Iakovlev; Igor Utochkin
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 356. doi:
Rebecca L Hornsey; Paul B Hibbard
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 358. doi:
Harun Karimpur; Johannes Kurz; Katja Fiehler
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 359. doi:
Noa Herz; Yair Bar-Haim; Ido Tavor; Niv Tik; Haggai Sharon; Emily Holmes; Nitzan Censor
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 360. doi:
Stanislas Huynh Cong; Dirk Kerzel
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 361. doi:
Grace Edwards; Anna Berestova; Lorella Battelli
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 363. doi:
Hiroaki Kiyokawa; Tomonori Tashiro; Yasuki Yamauchi; Takehiro Nagai
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 364. doi:
Jiří Lukavský; Filip Děchtěrenko; Hauke Meyerhoff
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 367. doi:
Katsumi Minakata; Chiron Oderkerk; Sofie Beier
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 369. doi:
Xin Keyun; Zheng Yujie; Li Zhi
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 370. doi:
Andrew persichetti; Joseph Denning; Jiongjiong Yang; Stephen Gotts; Alex Martin
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 371. doi:
Claudia Damiano; John Wilder; Elizabeth Y Zhou; Dirk B Walther; Johan Wagemans
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 372. doi:
Maartje Cathelijne de Jong; Mariska J. Vansteensel; Raymond van Ee; Frans S. S. Leijten; Nick F. Ramsey; H. Chris Dijkerman; Serge O. Dumoulin; Tomas Knapen
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 375. doi:
Marco Aqil; Tomas Knapen; Serge Dumoulin
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 377. doi:
Ji Won Bang; Matthew Murphy; Joel Schuman; Amy Nau; Kevin Chan
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 380. doi:
Andrew Glennerster; Alexander Muryy
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 384. doi:
Renee Sahatdjian; Nancy Carlisle; Ziyao Zhang
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 385. doi:
Alon Zivony; Martin Eimer
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 386. doi:
Alexander P. Boone; Bertrand H. Lemasson; Lucy Durand; Michael L. Mayo; Kevin R. Pilkiewicz; Margaret R. Tarampi; Kristen L. Macuga
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 388. doi:
Jacqueline M. Fulvio; Bas Rokers
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 391. doi:
Kyle W. Killebrew; Hannah R. Moser; Scott R. Sponheim; Michael-Paul Schallmo
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 392. doi:
Kendra Westmoreland; Anya Preston; Kiara Lolo; Callie Mims; Nicholas Rosario; Brian Odegaard
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 393. doi:
Steven M. Weisberg; Geoffery K. Aguirre
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 394. doi:
Zsófia Csizek; Eszter Mikó-Baráth; David P Piñero; Anna Budai; Kitti Szabó-Guth; Péter Hegyi; Ágota Pusztai; Adrienne Csutak; Gábor Jandó
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 395. doi:
Maria Elena Stefanou; Alexander Muryy; Andrew Glennerster
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 396. doi:
Farahnaz Wick; Chia-Chien Wu; Devrath Iyer; Jeremy Wolfe
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 399. doi:
JohnMark Taylor; Yaoda Xu
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 400. doi:
R. Calen Walshe; Jared Abrams; Wilson Geisler
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 404. doi:
Jianfei Guo; Joo-Hyun Song
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 405. doi:
Hannah R. Moser; Li Shen Chong; Marisa J. Sanchez; Scott R. Sponheim; Michael-Paul Schallmo
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 406. doi:
Marianna Butera; Alina Sample; Jeffrey LeBlanc; Kevin Willeford
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 408. doi:
Subhosit Ray; Edward Ester
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 409. doi:
Katelyn Tsang; Javeria Hasan; Andrew Silva; Benjamin Thompson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 410. doi:
Maria Servetnik; Igor Utochkin
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 411. doi:
Shaun Wallace; Rick Treitman; Nirmal Kumawat; Kathleen Arpin; Jeff Huang; Ben Sawyer; Zoya Bylinskii
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 412. doi:
Zoya Bylinskii; Camilo Fosco; Vincent Casser; Amish Kumar Bedi; Aaron Hertzmann
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 414. doi:
Bret Eschman; James Torrence Todd; Lorraine E. Bahrick
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 415. doi:
Kasper Vinken; Hans Op de Beeck
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 417. doi:
Joseph Nah; Joy Geng
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 419. doi:
Francesca Capozzi; Nida Latif; Emma Ponath; Jelena Ristic
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 420. doi:
Marius Cătălin Iordan; Victoria J.H. Ritvo; Kenneth A. Norman; Nicholas B. Turk-Browne; Jonathan D. Cohen
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 422. doi:
Jeongho Park; Emilie Josephs; Talia Konkle
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 423. doi:
Anqi Zhang; Wilson S. Geisler
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 425. doi:
Miles Martinez; Tony Wang; Joo-Hyun Song
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 427. doi:
Yi-Chia Chen; Arturo Deza; Talia Konkle
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 428. doi:
George Sperling; Peng Sun; Veronica Chu
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 429. doi:
Andrew Marin; Viola Stoermer; Leslie Carver
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 431. doi:
Teresa Canas-Bajo; David Whitney
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 432. doi:
Lanya T. Cai; Venkatesh Krishna; Tim C. Hladnik; Nicholas C. Guilbeault; Scott A. Juntti; Tod R. Thiele; Aristides B. Arrenberg; Emily A. Cooper
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 433. doi:
Brian A., Metzger; John F., Magnotti; Elizabeth Nesbitt; Daniel Yoshor; Michael S., Beauchamp
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 434. doi:
Amy Chow; Yiwei Quan; Celine Chui; Roxane Itier; Benjamin Thompson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 435. doi:
Alison Harris; Catherine Reed
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 436. doi:
Nicole Hakim; Edward Vogel; Edward Awh
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 438. doi:
Michael Arcaro; Theoroda Mautz; Margaret Livingstone
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 440. doi:
Arturo Deza; Talia Konkle
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 442. doi:
Hiu Mei Chow; Jonas Knöll; Matthew Madsen; Miriam Spering
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 443. doi:
Jozsef Fiser; Tunde Szabo; Benjamin Markus; Marton Nagy
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 444. doi:
Sergei Artemenkov
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 447. doi:
Beatriz Gil-Gómez de Liaño; Makaela Nartker; Elena Pérez-Hernández; Jeremy M Wolfe
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 448. doi:
Goro Maehara; Ikuya Murakami
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 449. doi:
Tomoya Nakamura; Ikuya Murakami
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 450. doi:
Kieu N. Nguyen; George J. Andersen
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 452. doi:
Nestor Matthews; Sophia Gaguzis; Anthony Bruno
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 456. doi:
Jan Jaap R. van Assen; Takahiro Kawabe; Shin'ya Nishida
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 458. doi:
Katherine EM Tregillus; Karen T Navarro; Alexander Bratch; Stephen A Engel
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 459. doi:
Gavin Ng; Kirk Ballew; Alejandro Lleras; Simona Buetti
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 460. doi:
Michele Winter; Michael Eickenberg; Michael Oliver; Jack L. Gallant
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 461. doi:
Tianjiao Zhang; Jack L Gallant
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 462. doi:
Joan Danielle K. Ongchoco; Brian Scholl
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 464. doi:
Y. Isabella Lim; Andrew Clement; Jay Pratt
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 467. doi:
Yifei Hu; Joan Danielle K. Ongchoco; Brian Scholl
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 469. doi:
Jacob Paul; Tuomas ten Cate; Ben Harvey
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 472. doi:
Zeyu Li; Hanxi Pan; Xuanyi Wang; Songyan Lv; Zhi Li
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 475. doi:
Igor Utochkin; Timothy Brady
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 476. doi:
Yulia Revina; Man Ting Chay; Nicklaus Koh; Gerrit W. Maus
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 477. doi:
Egor Ananyev; Jit Wei A. Ang; Gerrit Maus
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 478. doi:
Filip Děchtěrenko; Jiří Lukavský; Christina J. Howard
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 479. doi:
Jinhyeok Jeong; Sang Chul Chong
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 480. doi:
Francesca Di Cicco; Mitchell van Zuijlen; Maarten W. A. Wijntjes; Sylvia C. Pont
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 481. doi:
Cheongil Kim; Sang Chul Chong
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 482. doi:
Zhi Li; Keyun Xin
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 483. doi:
Arnab Biswas; Li Yan Chloe Neo; Gerrit W Maus
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 484. doi:
Andromachi Tsouli; Yuxuan Cai; Martijn van Ackooij; Shir Hofstetter; Ben M. Harvey; Susan F. te Pas; Maarten J. van der Smagt; Serge O. Dumoulin
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 486. doi:
Luhe Li; Yuko Yotsumoto
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 487. doi:
Sandra Malpica; Belen Masia; Laura Herman; Gordon Wetzstein; David Eagleman; Diego Gutierrez; Zoya Bylinskii; Qi Sun
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 489. doi:
Jiafei Lou; Zhi Li
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 490. doi:
Felix M. Töpfer; Riccardo Barbieri; Joram Soch; Carsten Bogler; John-Dylan Haynes
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 491. doi:
Hiroki yokota; Seiichiro Naito
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 492. doi:
Holger Wiese; Georgina Hobden; A. Mike Burton; Andrew W. Young
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 493. doi:
Tamara Watson; Josh Brunker; Raghba Latifi; Matthew Patten
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 496. doi:
Jasna martinovic
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 497. doi:
Talia Konkle; George Alvarez
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 498. doi:
Martin Constant; Heinrich René Liesefeld
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 499. doi:
Galit Yovel; Maya Gotlieb; Naphtali Abudarham; Yarden Shir
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 501. doi:
Simon Faghel-Soubeyrand; Meike Ramon; Eva Bamps; Matteo Zoia; Jessica Woodhams; Arjen Alink; Frédéric Gosselin; Ian Charest
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 502. doi:
Mirta Stantic; Caroline Catmur; Bradley Duchaine; Geoffrey Bird
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 508. doi:
Mengdan sun; Xiaoqing Gao; Xuemin Zhang
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 511. doi:
Brittany A. Baxter; William H. Warren
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 512. doi:
Müge Cavdan; Knut Drewing; Katja Doerschner
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 514. doi:
J. Brendan Ritchie; Haemy Lee Masson; Stefania Bracci; Hans Op de Beeck
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 515. doi:
Shaul Hochstein; Noam Khayat; Marina Pavlovskaya; Stefano Fusi
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 516. doi:
Maria Olkkonen; Geoffrey K Aguirre; Toni P Saarela
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 517. doi:
Taly Kondat; Shachar Gal; Haggai Sharon; Ido Tavor; Nitzan Censor
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 518. doi:
Chia-Chien Wu; Leah Kumle; Makaela Nartker; Jeremy Wolfe
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 519. doi:
Laurie-Anne Sapey-Triomphe; Laura Timmermans; Johan Wagemans
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 520. doi:
Joshua Solomon; Michael Morgan
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 521. doi:
Alexandra Decker; Amy S. Finn*; Katherine Duncan*
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 524. doi:
Dejan Draschkow; Anna C. Nobre; Freek van Ede
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 526. doi:
Geoffrey Bingham; Xiaoye Wang; Mats Lind
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 527. doi:
Ke Bo; Nathan Petro; Changhao Xiong; Andreas Keil; Mingzhou Ding
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 528. doi:
Rolf Nelson; Jason Goodman; Katherine Eskine; Augustus Kram Mendelsohn; Michael Vallerie
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 529. doi:
Emma E. Megla; Sisi Wang; Geoffrey F. Woodman
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 531. doi:
Olivia S. Cheung; Seoyoung Lee
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 532. doi:
Brittney Hartle; Laurie Wilcox
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 533. doi:
Audrey Wong-Kee-You; Spero Nicholas; Chuan Hou
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 535. doi:
Lucia Garrido; Maria Tsantani; Katherine Storrs; Carolyn McGettigan; Nikolaus Kriegeskorte
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 536. doi:
Todd S. Horowitz; Melissa Treviño; Xiaoshu Zhu; Yi Yi Lu; Grace C. Huang; Laura T. Germine
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 537. doi:
Ben Harvey; Serge Dumoulin; Alessio Fracasso; Jacob Paul
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 538. doi:
Ian Charest; Emily Allen; Yihan Wu; Thomas Naselaris; Kendrick Kay
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 539. doi:
Gwendolyn Rehrig; Candace E. Peacock; Taylor R. Hayes; John M. Henderson; Fernanda Ferreira
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 540. doi:
Breanna Bullard; Victoria Levina; Shrey Grover; Robert Reinhart
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 541. doi:
Noah C. Benson; Eline R. Kupers; Marisa Carrasco; Jonathan Winawer
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 543. doi:
Rohit S Kamath; Kimberly B Weldon; Marisa J Sanchez; Cheryl A Olman; Scott R Sponheim; Michael-Paul Schallmo
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 544. doi:
Xiaoli Zhang; Christopher M Jones; Julie D Golomb
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 546. doi:
Amirhossein Ghaderi; Matthias Niemeier; John Douglas Crawford
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 548. doi:
Joseph Borders; Assaf Harel
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 550. doi:
Marie-Luise Kieseler; Marvin Maechler; Zachary Hoffman; Navneet Dhanoa; Jean Fang; Scott Giess; James McHugh III; Mira Ram; David Edelman; Marcus Missal; Peter Tse
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 551. doi:
Jacqueline G. Cavazos; P. Jonathon Phillips; Carlos D. Castillo; Alice J. O'Toole
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 553. doi:
Rebecca Kozak; Brian Corneil
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 554. doi:
Jeffrey Wammes; Kailong Peng; Kenneth Norman; Nicholas Turk-Browne
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 556. doi:
Melissa Polonenko; Krystel Huxlin; Ross Maddox
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 557. doi:
Avi Aizenman; Dennis Levi
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 558. doi:
Karl Kopiske; Daniel Koska; Thomas Baumann; Christian Maiwald; Wolfgang Einhäuser
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 559. doi:
Nicola C Anderson; Walter F Bischof; Alan Kingstone
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 560. doi:
Jonathan Tong; Robert Allison; Laurie Wilcox
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 561. doi:
Xiuyun Wu; Austin Rothwell; Miriam Spering; Anna Montagnini
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 567. doi:
Ranran French; Gregory DeAngelis
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 569. doi:
Zahra Hussain; Patrick Bennett
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 570. doi:
Oliver Jacobs; Nicola Anderson; Alan Kingstone
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 571. doi:
Jason Helbing; Dejan Draschkow; Melissa L.-H. Vo
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 573. doi:
Mallory Weber; Hsin-Mei Sun
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 575. doi:
Matthew J. Boring; R. Mark Richardson; Avniel Singh Ghuman
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 576. doi:
Douglas A Addleman; Gordon E Legge; Yuhong V Jiang
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 577. doi:
Can Oluk; Wilson S. Geisler
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 578. doi:
Géraldine Jeckeln; Ying Hu; Jacqueline G. Cavazos; Amy N. Yates; Carina A. Hahn; Larry Tang; Alice J. O’Toole; P. Jonathon Phillips
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 579. doi:
Abhranil Das; Wilson Geisler
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 580. doi:
Ying Hu; Victoria Huang; Matthew Q. Hill; Alice J. O’Toole
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 581. doi:
Iris Groen; Giovanni Piantoni; Adeen Flinker; Sasha Devore; Orrin Devinsky; Werner Doyle; Nick Ramsey; Natalia Petridou; Jonathan Winawer
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 582. doi:
Taylor R. Hayes; John M. Henderson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 583. doi:
Annie Truuvert; Jay Pratt; Susanne Ferber
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 584. doi:
Alexandre Reynaud; Sasha Novozhilova; Robert Hess
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 586. doi:
Tina Liu; Jason Fu; Shruti Japee; Yuhui Chai; Leslie Ungerleider; Elisha Merriam
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 587. doi:
Emily J. Allen; Yihan Wu; J. Benjamin Hutchinson; Thomas Naselaris; Kendrick N. Kay
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 589. doi:
Zixuan Wang; Yuki Murai; David Whitney
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 592. doi:
Jian Ding; Dennis M. Levi
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 593. doi:
Christopher M Jones; Julie D Golomb
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 595. doi:
Yaelan Jung; Tess Allegra Forest; Dirk B. Walther; Amy S. Finn
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 597. doi:
Yeo Bi Choi; Adam Steel; Thomas Botch; Caroline Robertson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 598. doi:
Y. Ivette Colón; Connor Parde; Carlos Castillo; Jacqueline Cavazos; Alice O'Toole
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 600. doi:
Jiang Mao; Alan Stocker
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 603. doi:
Elisa M. Gallego Hiroyasu; Yuko Yotsumoto
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 604. doi:
Patrick Cavanagh; Mark Wexler; Stuart Anstis
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 607. doi:
Vijay Singh; Johannes Burge; David Brainard
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 610. doi:
Maria Robinson; John Wixted; Timothy Brady
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 611. doi:
Seoyoung Ahn; Gregory Zelinsky; Gary Lupyan
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 612. doi:
Susan Hao; David Whitney; Sonia Bishop
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 613. doi:
Hayden M Schill; Timothy F Brady
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 614. doi:
Yujia Peng; Tianmin Shu; Hongjing Lu
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 615. doi:
Rachel Denison; Karen Tian; David Heeger; Marisa Carrasco
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 618. doi:
Zhimin Chen; David Whitney
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 619. doi:
Shira Baror; Moshe Bar; Elissa Aminoff
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 620. doi:
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 621. doi:
Eveline Mu; David Crewther
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 624. doi:
Jihong Lee; Sang Wook Hong; Sang Chul Chong
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 625. doi:
Léon Franzen; Corina Lacombe; Nathan Gagné; Onur Bodur; Bianca Grohmann; Aaron P. Johnson
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 626. doi:
Sofia Lavrenteva; Ikuya Murakami
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 627. doi:
Sirawaj Itthipuripat; Viola Stoermer; Geoffrey Woodman; John Serences
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 630. doi:
Alexander Goettker; Karl Gegenfurtner
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 631. doi:
Chuan Hou; Spero Nicholas
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 634. doi:
Steven Pesina; D. Alexander Varakin
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 637. doi:
Jit Wei Ang; Gerrit Maus
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 638. doi:
Yana Yu; Yuki Takeda; Hiroyuki Tsuda; Jun Saiki
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 641. doi:
Ka Yee KAM; Ailene Y. C. Chan; Dorita H. F. Chang
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 642. doi:
Dongheon Kham; Hee Kyung Yoon; Yoonjung Lee; Soojin Park
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 643. doi:
Narumi Ogawa; Isamu Motoyoshi
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 645. doi:
Byunghoon Choi; Michael McCloskey; Soojin Park
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 646. doi:
Daisuke Kondo; Hayato Fujita; Isamu Motoyoshi
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 647. doi:
Taiki Orima; Isamu Motoyoshi
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 648. doi:
Chiara Tagliabue; Sara Assecondi; Giulia Cristoforetti; Veronica Mazza
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 650. doi:
Robert Geirhos; Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen; Claudio Michaelis; Richard Zemel; Wieland Brendel; Matthias Bethge; Felix A. Wichmann
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 652. doi:
Adva Shoham; Libi Kliger; Galit Yovel
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 656. doi:
Anke Marit Albers; Sean Isamu Johnson; David H. Peterzell
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 657. doi:
Libi Kliger; Galit Yovel
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 659. doi:
Katharina Dobs; Alexander JE Kell; Julio Martinez; Michael Cohen; Nancy Kanwisher
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 660. doi:
Olga Lukashova-Sanz; Siegfried Wahl; Katharina Rifai
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 662. doi:
Yannick Sauer; Siegfried Wahl; Katharina Rifai
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 663. doi:
Jordan Deakin; Dietmar Heinke
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 666. doi:
Tomoki Maezawa; Tomoyuki Tanda; Jun Kawahara
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 667. doi:
Michael Stettler; Tahereh Azizpour Lindy; Nick Taubert; Martin Giese
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 668. doi:
Ronen Hershman; Avishai Henik
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 669. doi:
Astrid Priscilla Martinez Cedillo; Kevin Dent; Tom Foulsham
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 670. doi:
Raúl Luna; Ignacio Serrano-Pedraza; David Souto
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 675. doi:
Aurore Zelazny; Thomas Alrik Sørensen
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 678. doi:
Mor Sasi; Daniel Toledano; Dominique Lamy
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 679. doi:
Ivan Tomic; Sebastian Schneegans; Paul Bays
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 680. doi:
Chaona Chen; Daniel S. Messinger; Yaocong Duan; Robin A.A. Ince; Oliver G.B. Garrod; Philippe G. Schyns; Rachael E. Jack
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 686. doi:
Yin-ting Lin; Garry Kong; Daryl Fougnie
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 688. doi:
Paul Zerr; Surya Gayet; Stefan Van der Stigchel
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 689. doi:
Yuxuan Cai; Shir Hofstetter; Ben M. Harvey; Serge O. Dumoulin
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 690. doi:
Maria Kon; Gregory Francis
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 694. doi:
Leah Kumle; Melissa L.-H. Võ; Dejan Draschkow
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 696. doi:
Lisa Schwetlick; Lars O. M. Rothkegel; Ralf Engbert
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 700. doi:
Paola Binda; Miriam Acquafredda; Claudia Lunghi
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 702. doi:
Zhiyan Wang; Dongho Kim; Giorgia Pedroncelli; Yuka Sasaki; Takeo Watanabe
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 704. doi:
Cora Fischer; Stefan Czoschke; Benjamin Peters; Benjamin Rahm; Jochen Kaiser; Christoph Bledowski
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 705. doi:
Laura Palmieri; Jenny C.A. Read; Bruce G. Cumming
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 708. doi:
Lisa M. Kroell; Martin Rolfs
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 709. doi:
Julia Beitner; Jason Helbing; Dejan Draschkow; Melissa L.-H. Vo
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 710. doi:
Vijay K Tailor; Maria Theodorou; Annegret H Dahlmann-Noor; John A Greenwood
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 711. doi:
Clare Press; Emily Thomas; Sam Gilbert; Floris de Lange; Peter Kok; Daniel Yon
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 712. doi:
Simen Hagen; Aliette Lochy; Corentin Jacques; Louis Maillard; Sophie Colnat-Coulbois; Jacques Jonas; Bruno Rossion
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 713. doi:
Sneha Suresh; Chia-Chien Wu; Daniela Gresch; Jeremy M. Wolfe
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 716. doi:
Yujie Wu; Mei Qiu; Dajun Xing
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 717. doi:
Logan Doyle; Susanne Ferber
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 719. doi:
Wanyi Lyu; David E. Levari; Makaela S. Nartker; Daniel S. Little; Jeremy M. Wolfe
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 720. doi:
Katarzyna Jaworska; Robin A A Ince; Nicola J van Rijsbergen; Philippe G Schyns
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 721. doi:
Maya Ankaoua; Roy Luria
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 722. doi:
Lana OKUBO; Kazuhiko YOKOSAWA; Masataka SAWAYAMA; Takahiro KAWABE
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 723. doi:
Callie Mims; Nicholas Rosario; Anya Preston; Kendra Westmoreland; Kiara Lolo; Brian Odegaard
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 724. doi:
Seda Akbiyik; Teresa Schubert; Alfonso Caramazza
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 727. doi:
Darren Yeo; Courtney Pollack; Rebecca Merkley; Daniel Ansari; Gavin Price
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 733. doi:
Jelle van Dijk; Alessio Fracasso; Natalia Petridou; Serge Dumoulin
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 735. doi:
Lukasz Grzeczkowski; Heiner Deubel
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 737. doi:
Ruosi Wang; Daniel Janini; Aylin Kallmayer; Talia Konkle
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 738. doi:
D. Alexander Varakin; Cindy Vasquez-Caballero; Madison Major; Jon Phillips
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 740. doi:
Steve Haroz
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 741. doi:
Kunjan D. Rana; Amanda C. Del Giacco; Elizabeth A. Kruse; Valentinos Zachariou; Leslie G. Ungerleider
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 743. doi:
Oliver Ratcliffe; Bernhard Staresina; Kim Shapiro
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 744. doi:
Julie Harris; Olivier Penacchio; John Skelhorn; Candy Rowe
Journal of Vision October 2020, Vol.20, 745. doi: